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trickykid 05-30-2007 07:48 AM

I actually think those that smoked and become very anti-smoking is a good way for them to never pick up the habit. Plus for them, they know what it's like to smoke, know the consequences, costs and everything else associated with it. To me, they have more of a right to bitch about smokers than those that have never smoked.

I quit cold turkey, very easy. It's all in the mind with a little will power too, if you don't have that, then you'll never quit. And I don't care about others smoking and I don't bitch about it, if someone wants to smoke, let it be. If they want to jump off a cliff to kill themselves, then so be it.. ;)

slantoflight 05-30-2007 11:11 AM

I quit after the first few cigarretes. Did'nt taste that good. Did'nt get much of a high off it either. I thought to myself ... well this is pointless. Sure alcohol is terrible for you health, but atleast it gets you drunk. Cigarretes do nothing for you it seems(until your addicted to them) and they're terrible for you. So I'm just sticking with alcohol.

alred 05-30-2007 02:47 PM

and smoking is the only thing that they are able to quit ... probably proofing something ...

yup , better than never be able to quit anything at all in their miserable and addictive life ...

//why take the easier and the totally painless route ...

[BTW ::] there are definately much much more bad things and habbits waiting for people to quit them for good ...


Valkyrie_of_valhalla 05-30-2007 04:15 PM

I'd like to congratulate those who have managed to quit, and wish the best of luck to the ones who are trying.

I've been smoking for almost 2 years, and have had approximately 14 attempts to quit, which never lasted more than a few days (the record was a week).
I smoke about 1 package a day, and my lungs started hurting... Smoking combined with the fact that the only sport I practice is typing and clicking... not a very good combination for my health.
Whenever I tried quitting, somebody always managed to annoy me, or something (computer broke, etc).
Anyway, this summer I plan to isolate myself in my home, with just my computer and a few good books, and finally quit. Until then, I've got exams and other stressful activities...

wendea 05-30-2007 05:22 PM

Good luck - may you live long and prosper :)

masonm 05-30-2007 07:23 PM

My attempt at quitting was frustrated by the fact that I am a long sufferer of clinical depression. The withdrawal triggered the depression.

I saw a doctor today and got a two weeks supply of Wellbutrin samples and a prescription for more. Hopefully it will help control both the depression and the withdrawal symptoms and I can finally quit.

The doc said that it's very common for people with depression to self medicate via heavy smoking as some of the chemicals in cigarette smoke act as anti-depressants.

frob23 05-30-2007 07:33 PM

Deal with the under-lying issue first. It's good to deal with both of these.

masonm 05-30-2007 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by frob23
Deal with the under-lying issue first. It's good to deal with both of these.

Yeah that's sort of what the doc said. Have to get control of the depression again before dealing with the smoking thing.

The depression is an inherited chemical imbalance. It killed my father when he was 10 years younger than I am now.

alred 05-31-2007 12:01 PM

ok , theres a headlines saying "WHO fans smoking-ban flames ..." and "the evidence is clear that there are no safe level of exposure to second hand tobacco smoke" ...

it is estimated that there about 200,000 workers die each year because of smoke during work and some 700 million children(which is said to be "about half of all children in the world") "regularly breathe air polluted by tobacco smoke" ...

and "more than 3/4 of the almost 44% of 13-15 year-olds interviewed in 132 countries who are exposed to second hand smoke at home" are supporting a ban on smoking in public places ... and it mentioned the names of agencies who are doing the researches ...

and everywhere in that passage there are mentioning of "strongly recommending seeking professional help" instead of quiting smoking it alone ...

//but nope ... first thing comes first ... at least for WHO ...

//a bit silly ...


b0uncer 05-31-2007 12:31 PM


"Cancer cures smoking"
Cancer cures a lot of stuff, and smoking is (sadly) not a sure killer. One of the world's oldest men was a big smoker, lived well over 100 years old (actually I haven't heard of his death) so it's not smoking that necessarily kills you. And if you don't smoke, you can still die -- of cancer too. Nevertheless I'm glad for you, willing to quit is a good step.

Will is the hardest part I guess, but I'd like to say something a friend of mine told me once:

Pain is just a condition, you can't stop because of it.

He sure was right. I hope your giving up smoking gets easier every day..good luck for that, too.

masonm 05-31-2007 05:57 PM

Thanks bouncer

Alred; the WHO is a political organization and like all political organizations making sense is not a high priority for them.

Prostetnic_Jeltz 06-02-2007 01:24 AM

masonm -

nicotine is a horribly difficult addiction. here is something to think about - it sounds trivial at first, but give it some thought and you may find it's not: when you feel an urge to relapse (and you will), force yourself to think that you survived the last minute without succumbing. and the minute before that. if you survived one minute, you can survive one more. and when that minute is finished, repeat the thought process. or break it into half a minute, or even seconds if you have to.

the point is to break the addiction's pull into small, manageable pieces, instead of long periods which can seem daunting and hopeless. a month seems impossible, a minute less so. no matter how strong the urge, you can wait an extra minute. then repeat.

eventually those periods get longer and longer. trust me, they do.

yes it sucks, but that is the nature of any addiction - it sucks. but others have done it, so you can do it too.

good luck, we're pulling for you.

masonm 06-02-2007 07:58 AM

Thanks Jeltz

alred 06-02-2007 02:51 PM

>> "the WHO is a political organization and like all political organizations making sense is not a high priority for them."

but since when smoking is an issue for mankind ... ??

//not that they are opium and the like which are a lot more as far as i'm concern ...


esteeven 06-02-2007 03:29 PM

Good luck ..... I can only say that for me it was one of the best things I ever did. I thought that I'd never be able to drink coffee again because of the associations but after a while you are just left with coffee. Go for it!

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