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jeremy 02-15-2022 06:30 PM

2021 Members Choice Award Winners
The polls are closed and the results are in. We once again had some extremely close races (and multiple ties) and the large number of new categories this year certainly kept things interesting. Congratulations to each and every nominee. The official results:


Desktop Distribution of the Year - Ubuntu
Server Distribution of the Year - Debian Stable
Live Distribution of the Year - Slackware Live Edition
Database of the Year - MariaDB
Browser of the Year - Firefox
Desktop Environment of the Year - Plasma Desktop (KDE)
Window Manager of the Year - Openbox
Audio Media Player Application of the Year - VLC
Digital Audio Workstation of the Year - Ardour / LMMS
Video Media Player of the Year - VLC
Video Authoring Application of the Year - KDEnlive
Security Hardening and/or Scanning Application of the Year - nmap
Network Monitoring Application of the Year - Nagios Core
IDE of the Year - Visual Studio Code
Text Editor of the Year - vim
File Manager of the Year - Dolphin
Open Source Game of the Year - 0 A.D. / SuperTuxKart
Programming Language of the Year - Python
Backup Application of the Year - Timeshift
Log Management Tool of the Year - Logwatch
X Terminal Emulator of the Year - Konsole
Browser Privacy Solution of the Year - uBlock Origin
Privacy Solution of the Year - GnuPG
IRC Client of the Year - HexChat
Single Board Computer of the Year - Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
Virtualization Application of the Year - VirtualBox
Container of the Year - Docker
Linux/Open Source Podcast of the Year - Late Night Linux
Secure Messaging Application of the Year - Signal
Linux Desktop Vendor of the Year - Dell
Linux Laptop Vendor of the Year - Lenovo
Linux Server Vendor of the Year - System76
Email Client of the Year - Thunderbird
PDF Viewer of the Year - Okular
Static Site Generator of the Year - Hugo
Screen Recording and Streaming Tool of the Year - OBS Studio
Media Server of the Year - Kodi
Team Communication Application of the Year - Slack
Music Collaboration Platform of the Year - SoundJack
Linux Automation App of the Year - AutoKey
Password Manager of the Year - KeePassXC
Image Viewers of the Year - Gwenview
If you have any questions or suggestions on how we can improve the MCA's next year, do let us know. Visit to view the individual polls, which contain the complete results. Visit for a visual representation of each category on a single page.


YesItsMe 02-16-2022 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by jeremy (Post 6329989)
Visit for a visual representation of each category on a single page.

"Nothing to see..."

Reziac 02-16-2022 04:54 PM

Thanks for doing the charts. Not too many surprises among the votes, but always some application I'd not heard of to check out.

theodore.s 02-16-2022 04:58 PM

Which one?
Server Distribution of the Year - is Debian Stable (as above) or Slackware, as in the full poll results?


Ah, my mistake, somehow I ended up in last year's poll! Sorry... :redface:

pandanuma 02-16-2022 04:59 PM

jeremy and all lq'ers can give themselves a pack on the back for another year of choice for people...if not members

please consider a few minor upgrades to memberschoice2023.01.01
add: members choice link to the menu on the right
official results: sort categories in descending order of total votes cast
link the above results to the individual polls

verndog 02-16-2022 05:19 PM

"Text Editor of the Year - vim" yea!

rokytnji 02-16-2022 06:03 PM

Like the 3d views. As usual. I am in the minority. Which is fine by me.

centguy 02-16-2022 09:02 PM

Desktop Environment of the Year - Plasma Desktop (KDE)

Well, if the good stuff (for me, I cannot speak for others) of Gnome3 is hiding in the extensions, then i won't be surprised
KDE beats gnome3. Every time I install a new distro, I have to patiently install and customize gnome extensions, which to me as an old user a hassle but
a mountain to overcome for new users. The flexibility of customization of Gnome3 is to me, a shortcoming of Gnome3. Things might have changed since I last checked.
Dash to Dock still have to be installed manually on all systems.
I have to install Ubuntu, Debian, and CentOS and patiently do some careful experiements to finally tame the customization of Gnome3. Call me stupid if you want.

enigma9o7 02-16-2022 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by rokytnji (Post 6330442)
Like the 3d views. As usual. I am in the minority. Which is fine by me.

Just be careful you're not switching to 2020 results when you do so.

linustalman 02-17-2022 01:27 AM

Many of the same winners per category again but at least there's a few new winners - notably Debian Stable as the top server OS.

fixitmanarizona 02-17-2022 04:05 PM

Ubuntu... Debian... SuperTuxCart.. Ok Did I even vote on the rest of it? I forget. Those are the only three I would have chosen in the lists.

pandanuma 02-18-2022 07:41 PM

suggestions and

jeremy, could you pin your post of poll results to the top...i get lost in the words and am too lazy to change the order of the thread...and now cannot find that button on this page...[error #1d10t comes to mind] not you...the guy sitting in-front of my computer

slightly off thread but on topic of :

Secure Messaging Application of the Year - Signal

does anyone know of an app that can handle 'secret ballots', i will be on a zoom meeting soon and have been advised that there is no provision for ballots...but it seems you can set up anonymous polls[same diff] i will be talking to the meeting host in the meantime. [i know it may be 'secret but not secure' on the]

i did a quick look on the signal site but could find no answers

djk44883 03-15-2022 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by jeremy (Post 6329989)
to view the individual polls, which contain the complete results. Visit for a visual representation of each category on a single page.

click here for 3d and it takes me back an entire year looks cool, but kinda messed up.

Duglas 07-17-2022 06:39 AM

Window Manager of the Year - Openbox
This is a suprise. Openbox is no longer maintained!
I still use Openbox, (with lxpanel, and nothing else on the screen).
I love the menu, a new maintainer could bring back Obmenu, and bring Openbox into the 21st century.

*spaceman* 08-30-2022 07:13 AM

It shouldn't bother me, but it does. Ubuntu - Desktop Distribution of the Year.

It just disappoints me that this approach to Linux is held in such esteem. Ubuntu, or Windows for Linux I've dubbed it, disempowers users. In an environment where everything (well more than most people need) is installed, integrated and configured an attitude of "It just works or I won't use it..." grows (as with Windows users).

I'm not suggest everyone use a distro that demands you build everything from source, or use a rolling distro that is always bleeding edge and some things just won't work some of the time. However, it would be refreshing to see Ubuntu become the useful stepping stone distro, out of Windows, that people us to progress to lighter, more individually tailored distros (no, not Mint XD).

Great to see antiX Linux picking up a good slice of the vote.

djk44883 09-05-2022 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by *spaceman* (Post 6377113)
It just disappoints me that this approach to Linux is held in such esteem. Ubuntu, or Windows for Linux I've dubbed it, disempowers users. In an environment where everything (well more than most people need) is installed, integrated and configured an attitude of "It just works or I won't use it..." grows (as with Windows users).

At heart I tend to agree with you. On the other hand... at least it's not Windows. I've had friends tired of "fixing" their MS systems, suggesting 90% of your computer anymore is - [some brand] web browser. They hardly knew/understood Windows, so they don't need to really understand Linux, more specifically which distribution - as Linux is not an OS.

So some have tried and haven't had bloat problems overtime draining their system. There's also minimum concern about the malware and virus fears.

I more-or-less started with Ubuntu then Mint until the friendliness get in my way. It's not easy to jump straight into clean Debian without some clue.

So I do believe these hand-holding distributions have their place, but I do feel they tend to step near to "proprietary-ize" their systems.

Pagonis 09-12-2022 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by *spaceman* (Post 6377113)
It shouldn't bother me, but it does. Ubuntu - Desktop Distribution of the Year.

It just disappoints me that this approach to Linux is held in such esteem. Ubuntu, or Windows for Linux I've dubbed it, disempowers users. In an environment where everything (well more than most people need) is installed, integrated and configured an attitude of "It just works or I won't use it..." grows (as with Windows users).

I'm not suggest everyone use a distro that demands you build everything from source, or use a rolling distro that is always bleeding edge and some things just won't work some of the time. However, it would be refreshing to see Ubuntu become the useful stepping stone distro, out of Windows, that people us to progress to lighter, more individually tailored distros (no, not Mint XD).

Great to see antiX Linux picking up a good slice of the vote.

What's so empowering about doing the most boring uncreative manual labor that is configuring linux desktop to not suck? I have better stuff to do, for reals.

*spaceman* 04-13-2023 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by Pagonis (Post 6379617)
What's so empowering about doing the most boring uncreative manual labor that is configuring linux desktop to not suck? I have better stuff to do, for reals.

Get Windows.

hohardy 09-16-2023 07:50 AM

everything is work OK thank you

pandanuma 09-16-2023 02:25 PM

2023 members choice poll
Jeremy, can you jump in and let us know what is happening with members choice for 2023?

is the members choice poll kaput?
and if not...where da helk is it?

might i suggest a rolling is allowed anytime but at the end of each year the results are tallied, winners posted and votes are reset for the upcoming year...

as some have said it is a fun poll but also useful to see what others find useful
i trust the herd...not the herder... in yer pooter:confused:

pandanuma 01-01-2024 07:47 PM

2024 members choice poll?
what happened to the members choice polls...2023...2024...

enigma9o7 01-01-2024 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by pandanuma (Post 6474059)
what happened to the members choice polls...2023...2024...

nothing new has happened, its just more of the same. what would be the point?

pandanuma 01-04-2024 01:36 PM

well enigma9o7...this seems to be a dead thread and i wont poke it for current answers on LQ
if anyone is looking for popular programs check out
members choice was a good source to see what like-minded people found useful but this thread has gone stagnant and my only choice is to choose to look elsewhere
...lq is still my first choice to pick the brains of the open source community on other topics

jeremy 01-04-2024 01:49 PM

The polls were seeing decreased participation and engagement, so we haven't done them for a couple years. If there is renewed interest, we'd certainly consider bringing them back.

pandanuma 01-04-2024 02:38 PM

gone, got it, good to know, thanks Jeremy

YesItsMe 01-04-2024 05:13 PM


linustalman 01-05-2024 02:14 AM

That's fair enough.

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