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Zenwalk This forum is for the discussion of Zenwalk Linux.


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Old 09-12-2006, 09:06 PM   #31
Linux Newcomer
Registered: Dec 2005
Distribution: Zenwalk previously Fedora Core 4
Posts: 59

Rep: Reputation: 15

The problem that continues here is nothing will load Zenwalk even though it saw a good install with the 3.0 release. I would have to remove the current and reinstall it to gain access to the lilo installer again. Gag and ubuntu's smart boot manager both failed to launch it. It was installed prior to the Vista beta being installed to HDb1 with XP on the HDa1 primary that now loads the RC1 beta by default with the mbr change seen. On the last Windows/Fedora installation on the old case the ubuntu boot manager on floppy could load anything by booting directly with that. It would be a simple choice of which partition to choose from where the manager would then load the os on it. Anyone know where to find that one? The floppy failed to boot and was tossed before the link could be saved again for a fresh download.
Old 09-12-2006, 11:08 PM   #32
Penguin of Wonder
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What are you using now Lilo or Grub? Either should boot it just fine if you've configured them properly. I have never heard of GAG much less used it, so I can't help you there. I've never heard of or used Smart Boot Manager either. It looks like your going to have to Live CD it, reinstall GRUB, and then set it up to boot all, what three? OSes on your computer. (Or LILO if thats your bag)

Thats what I would do if I were you. I'm sure there are other options. You should probably start a new thread if you want your problem to get its due attention.
Old 09-12-2006, 11:55 PM   #33
Linux Newcomer
Registered: Dec 2005
Distribution: Zenwalk previously Fedora Core 4
Posts: 59

Rep: Reputation: 15
On the other system Fedora shared a second drive there with 98SE at first. Grub4Dos was the easy option when a missing file or two held up the works there. Finally after repeated reinstalls that run well. On the system here Zenwalk was installed first behind a large storage primary with no OS. Those files are now on the last even larger partition following Zenwalk. The primary in front of Zenwalk is the latest beta for Vista that's another MS fright to look at!

While looking for a universal boot loader for multi OSing ubuntu had one for floppy late in 2005. That was great! It clearly displayed "every" partition Linux or other without problem and loaded Core 4, 98, XP depending on what os was on the selected partition. But the floppy failed before a cd image could be burned. And the option to install lilo(never run with C4) won't appear until after Zenwalk is reinstalled fresh. If a working floppy could be made for loading Zenwalk an iso for cd could be made.

OSL2000 is now installed on HDa1 and detects the Zenwalk root as "Linux" but is unable to load the distro. Finding a way to install a loader while using NTFS not Fat32 partitions is the problem here. Most boot floppy installers for Grub or Lilo can't be made from XP or even Vista at that. Gag and ubuntu's newer smart boot manager fail to even detect the root or swap partitions created. The present problem is how to install Grub or Lilo from a floppy or cd made with an iso image. Then OSL2000 or another loader could see ZW 3.0 run.



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