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Yoper This forum is for the discussion of Yoper Linux.


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Old 10-29-2004, 08:10 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2004
Location: Oregon USA
Distribution: Slackware 10.2
Posts: 12

Rep: Reputation: 0 downtime

Yoper's site is down more than it's up, then when it comes up they ask for more money. Now I'm not against asking for money, but this smacks of extortion. If the Yoper gang needs more money to further the distrobution, then sell their CD's like everybody else. It doesn't need to be a killing price, just a little bit, like say $15.00 to $20.00 dollars. I would gladly pay that for this OS, but I hate this down and then up again thing on the web site. This does not instill a lot of faith in me, that after I invest alot of time in this that they will not be around. I want to install this on many computers, but need to know it will be around. Please Andreas, stabilize this project before you lose it.

Old 10-30-2004, 04:49 PM   #2
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Kalifornia
Distribution: YOPER+KDE
Posts: 263

Rep: Reputation: 30
it is not extorsion, its called being $4000 short on cash with a crappy server.

just cause you ask for it to be stabalized/whatever dosent mean it will. if you want it to stay around a while, donate. andreas has already payed for bandwidth for hte coming year, these new servers should last a long time. there are simply too many users for hte server to handle ATM.

we are working on ways to make more money, including selling CD's, books and other things. but its mostly just preparation for Y3.0. 2.2 is coming very soon, so we will have even more new users.


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