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Old 10-01-2004, 01:24 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 8

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Yoper boot problem


I'm a linux newbie so please be patient. ( I have debian on another machine but haven't had time to play with it much lately )

I downloaded Yoper and installed from the iso. During install I could not use the graphical partitioner because it kept locking up so I chose the other method after about the 4th try. Now I have it loaded and it tells me to exit and reboot.

Problem: When it gets to configuring Xwindows after obtaining an ip address I get the following error.

SaX: startup
xc: could not create tmp dir... abort

Once configured, please wait for X to start for up to 20 seconds, please be patient. This will only happen during the first bootup. If this message gets repeated, reboot your system and use the change configuration buttin in SaX2 to create a valid configuration.

I have a feeling it is not detecting my display adapter but it goes by so fast I can't tell. The machine is an Averatec 3200 series laptop with a VIA/S3 Unichrome graphics. It has a 40 gig drive with which I have taken 10 gig for Yoper. It is dual booting fine. It seems to be identifying every other piece of hardware though, NIC, Sound, PCMCIA, modem, and usb.

Sorry so long,

Old 10-01-2004, 03:34 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2004
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I have tried but they have been down more than up lately. All my google searches point tp
Old 10-03-2004, 05:40 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2004
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Well since no one seems to know the answer I hope what I have figured out will help the next poor sap who has the same problem. I actually finally got to post on (been down allot lately) and a nice fellow pointed me in the right direction. With his reply, a little googling supplied the rest of the info I needed.

Here is how the problem got fixed:

At the grub boot menu I hit 'e' which displayed the boot script.

I then arrowed down to the "Kernel" line to highlight it and hit 'e' again.

This allowed me to edit the line. I added a space and a 3 to the end of the line and hit "enter".

Then I hit 'b' to reboot and it booted into run level 3 which does not start x.

I logged in and typed "sax2-vesa" at the prompt which started the x configurator to change my monitor and display adapter setting.

I saved the settings, finalized them, and when I was back at the prompt I typed "startx".

POOF!! x is now working!!

I hope this helps someone else.

Old 10-04-2004, 10:42 PM   #4
Registered: May 2002
Location: Toronto, ON, Canada
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Re: solved

Originally posted by killersheep
I logged in and typed "sax2-vesa" at the prompt which started the x configurator to change my monitor and display adapter setting.
I am glad you got your problem resolved. You're pretty good for a "newbie", and certainly having stomached debian is no newbie task.

With regards to your running sax2 in VESA mode (i.e. "universal" video card mode), I swear I have seen something like that during one of the many startup messages I got when I tried the Yoper install CD...


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