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Old 11-29-2004, 03:43 PM   #1
Registered: Nov 2004
Location: Texas
Distribution: openSUSE 10.3, Yoper Linux 3.0 , Arch Linux 2007.08
Posts: 253

Rep: Reputation: 30
Yoper 2.1 Gnomemeeting Install Fail - Can You Help?

Hi, I have just installed Yoper 2.1. I am trying to get Gnomemeeting to install using Synaptic (I have updated sources.list, and installed lots of other stuff). However, when I try to install Gnomemeeting, I get a curious error message from Synaptic: "Depends: but it is not installable" and it refuses to go further. A quick check of /usr/lib shows that is on my system already, and I can't seem to find the ".7" version anywhere on the web. Has anyone else encountered this? Any known fixes? Perhaps I could somehow edit the dependency so that it is for 0.8? Some other fix? I have tried numerous repositories, thinking maybe the one I was using was messed up, but they are all doing the same thing. Thanks! Michael
Old 11-29-2004, 03:47 PM   #2
Registered: May 2004
Location: New York
Distribution: Yoper v2 / Novell Linux Desktop 9
Posts: 71

Rep: Reputation: 15
I would..

Attempt to download the actual RPM (You can find it via the repository - thats all it is). Then, try to install. If it gives you a funky error, GnomeMeeting may not be *capable* in that new file, to run. If it can't find a .7 version (Which is the case), then check and make sure thats the best possible version. Just because an RPM is there - doesn't mean you can *use* it ;-)

So I'd also try going to the Gnome foundry and see if you can directly download the file (RPM). If you can't find it, or it only has the source - reply. I can help you with a source install if ya need it, but if its not there - slap someone because your about to get frustrated ;-)

Old 11-30-2004, 09:02 AM   #3
Registered: Nov 2004
Location: Texas
Distribution: openSUSE 10.3, Yoper Linux 3.0 , Arch Linux 2007.08
Posts: 253

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Rep: Reputation: 30
Hi, thanks for the tip. It worked great. I had tried the "build from source" approach already, but after a half hour of compiling modules, GnomeMeeting hit a compile error that I couldn't fix - I am no newbie to C programming, but this one was beyond me. I got the i686 rpm from the repository as you suggested. rpm -i steadfastly refused to install it, citing the same dependency issue on Even specifiying --nodeps on the command line failed - some other "interesting" error message about being unable to achieve a transaction lock. Anyway, since package managers seem a dime a dozen, on a whim, I tried Kpackage. It happily installed Gnomemeeting for me. The result wouldn't run right away - needed all sorts of libraries on the system, like libebook, that were there, but not with the exact name Gnomemeeting was looking for. Things like, where I had I patiently worked through each one, creating softlinks of the appropriate names, and about an hour later, Gnomemeeting was up and running. Synaptic now complains that I have "one broken package" on my system, but Gnomemeeting doesn't seem to realize that it is broken - runs like a champ! Anyway, thanks for the tip. It was just what was needed!
Old 11-30-2004, 09:39 AM   #4
Registered: May 2004
Location: New York
Distribution: Yoper v2 / Novell Linux Desktop 9
Posts: 71

Rep: Reputation: 15
No problem. Good luck with anything else like that - it can be confusing at first but at least you can tweak it to make it work ;-)



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