This is very long winded and not scientifically exact.
I can only be partly-responsible if you damage your installation :P
Anyway, this is a series of steps I've done to ensure I get the most out of games.
Your input and corrections and further suggestions are appreciated.
This only applies for Nvidia driver Graphics card.
Firstly you will notice that if you run a game such as
Legends you will notice some bad bugs.
Mainly the rendering.
So to fix that I've uninstalled Sax2
reinstalled the
choosing not the latest version but the previous or 2 previous.
then manually editing the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
to make sure we have "nvidia" and not "nv" in the section "Device":
Section "Device"
BoardName "GeForce2 MX/MX 400"
BusID "1:0:0"
Driver "nvidia"
Identifier "Device[0]"
Screen 0
Option "DPMS"
VendorName "NVidia"
I am not sure if its Sax massive outputs that contributes to bizarre rendering.
But whenever I could I've commented out lines which I think does not apply to me.
(Note *always* have a back up)
Now that should get at least games like Legends and Enemy-Territory to work fine.
Installing TuxGames
Tuxgames will *not* install if you dont have the appropiate versions of head and tail.
They sent me via email and I've temporarily uploaded up my site.
Download // removed //
extract and install the two files to your /bin directory overwriting the older one.
Tuxgames should work now.
Getting more Frames Per Second
I know this seems silly - and would appreciate your input.
Type ps -ax on the console
If you are on KDE you should get a line such as:
2016 ? RL 3:36 /usr/X11R6/bin/X -dpi 100 -dpi 100 -dpi 100 -dpi 100 -dpi 100 -dpi 100 -dpi 100 -dpi 100 -dpi 100 .. etc
My feeling is that contributes a lot to a slower FPS
I still couldn't find a way to fix that - so I've changed my login manager from KDM to GDM
Now because Gnome with complain about lots of things bonobos/gconfs etc (all easily remedied by doing a rm -fr /tmp/* ) - and because I rebooted just to play a game.
I choose "Safe Terminal"
I kill the processes Lisa and Cups which (dont ask me why) contribute to a slower FPS.
Now I dont know what I've done but whenever I reboot I get console - not GDM or KDM which suits me fine (depending which mode I am in : work or play)
so again if i reboot
i log in as root
kill the processes lisa and cups
and type in gdm
login as safe terminal
and then fire whatever game.
games run pretty optimal now.
I know all that long-winded procedure is far from ideal.
But am hoping that sharing with you - we can spot where the problem lies and we can fix it - so that .. well we dont have to go through such a long-winded procedure
Nevertheless I get great FPS from doing all that.