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Old 02-06-2007, 11:32 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2007
Posts: 18

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where do I place bootloader?

I got a 2 hard drives system running XP profesioanl and I want to install Kubuntu on the second slave drive; I have already partitioned it as follows:

1. hdb1 for linux
2. hdb2 for Linux swap
3. hbd3 for NTSF

I want to make a dual boot with Linux and XP. My question is this: should i place the bootloader in MBR on hda1? I dont want to mess up the XP. So what answer should i give to Kubuntu when it asks where to placve the bootloader?
Old 02-06-2007, 12:13 PM   #2
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if you don't want to mess up XP then what i recommend is to make the slave the primary drive, so the linux bootloader on the linux drive mbr. this leaves the XP MBR totally untouched. there is a trick you need, to use the map-drive commands in grub to lie to windows to make it think that it is the parimary when it's not. but again, these changes are on the linux drive, not the windows one at all. *IF* the linux drive dies then you just make the XP drive master again and it's just the sme as it always was, no chance *what* *so* *ever* of being "damaged" by ubuntu.
Old 02-07-2007, 01:56 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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so how do i accomplish that "trick" you are talking about then?
Old 02-07-2007, 02:39 AM   #4
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Old 02-07-2007, 03:32 AM   #5
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If you don't mind overwriting the XP bootloader, the you can tell Ubuntu to install GRUB to the MBR on hda.

Ubuntu does a good job of detecting Windows, and will setup GRUB appropriately to let you choose Linux or Windows when you boot your system. The only problem with this is that if you reinstall Windows, you will lose your GRUB, but that can be reinstated quite easily from the Ubuntu install CD (Search for howto when you need it).

Old 02-07-2007, 03:34 AM   #6
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If you don't mind overwriting the XP bootloader, the you can tell Ubuntu to install GRUB to the MBR on hda.

Ubuntu does a good job of detecting Windows, and will setup GRUB appropriately to let you choose Linux or Windows when you boot your system. The only problem with this is that if you reinstall Windows, you will lose your GRUB, but that can be reinstated quite easily from the Ubuntu install CD (Search for howto when you need it).



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