First, when it does that, try CNTL-ALT-BACKSPACE which will restart your X11 server. If a bad config is crashing your computer, that won't work either, but it might. Won't hurt anyway.
2nd, have you tried the 32 bit version ? If you are using less than 4 gigs of ram, the 64 bit-ness won't matter much, if at all, and I've found that the 32 bit version is more polished, and has few bugs.
3rd, you could use a live cd to download the nvidia driver, or just use windows, then log in via safe mode, and install the nvidia driver via the command line.
Oh, the problem is just that ubuntu is getting a little confused about your hardware, I think, and isn't writing the config right. Running the nvidia driver install should fix that for you. There are a few ways to get that done, some easier than others. It'll be worth it though. Ubuntu is sooo much more sweet than vista.
Let us know which way you want to jump....
P.S. Oh, you could try linuxmint or mintlinux, I forget the exact name, they include a bunch of proprietary drivers, one of which is the nvidia driver, if I remember correctly. They are ubuntu based. Don't use the light version, defeats the purpose.
Last edited by budword; 02-02-2008 at 06:57 PM.