Ah, with google earth, did you try reinstalling it after you did the upgrade?
I've never used it myself but after looking it up on google, it seems you have to install it with a .bin file, there being no deb file you can download with synaptic/aptitude?
The reason I say that is that doing an upgrade like you have will only upgrade things you've installed with synaptic / aptitude: any software you've compiled from source, or from some alternative installation method (e.g. this bin file, or manually installing a .deb)
will not automatically be upgraded.
Therefore, when you try running google earth (which was installed against the older libraries) against the new libraries you've just upgraded to, there are likely to be compatibility issues (To be honest, I'd be surprised if there weren't!)
(Probably) easy to fix! uninstall google earth and then install it again.
[ Note :In order to run google earth from terminal, type " googleearth " .
as you can see from
Exec=/home/mary/google-earth//googleearth %f
...the command is " googleearth " , and it's in the google-earth directory of your home folder. ]
Similarly, to uninstall, you can cd to /home/mary/googleearth, type " ls " to list everything, and you'll see an uninstall script, which you can run with " ./uninstall ".
For mtink, did you install it from synaptic/aptitude? try in terminal:
sudo dpkg --purge mtink
sudo aptitude install mtink