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Old 05-20-2007, 04:48 PM   #1
Registered: May 2007
Location: London, UK.
Distribution: Major:FC8. Others:Debian;Zenwalk; Arch; Slack; RHEL.
Posts: 544

Rep: Reputation: 30
themes and engines??

can someone please tell me what an engine is and which part of the theme selection in the system->preferences->theme selects an engine. How is an engine installed?

Currently I've got:

Controls = crystal sphere
Window borders = clear looks alternative
Icons = sphere crystal

I hear so much about cairo and other "gtk2" engines being fast.


Old 05-22-2007, 07:38 PM   #2
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Registered: May 2004
Location: Fresno CA USA
Distribution: Ubuntu 10.10
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The engine in this context refers to which set of graphics libraries are being used. Which are used is a function of each package you're running and how they were developed. As a user you have little control other than by which packages you choose to run. Its quite possible you have multiple "graphics engines" installed and in use. You may even run some Gnome applications in your KDE environment if you choose. Enjoy the themes and other visual controls your GUI offers you.
Old 05-23-2007, 04:24 AM   #3
Registered: May 2007
Location: London, UK.
Distribution: Major:FC8. Others:Debian;Zenwalk; Arch; Slack; RHEL.
Posts: 544

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Rep: Reputation: 30
Originally Posted by fragos
The engine in this context refers to which set of graphics libraries are being used. Which are used is a function of each package you're running and how they were developed. As a user you have little control other than by which packages you choose to run. Its quite possible you have multiple "graphics engines" installed and in use. You may even run some Gnome applications in your KDE environment if you choose. Enjoy the themes and other visual controls your GUI offers you.
Thanks for the reply bud.

I couldn't see how I could control/select the engine, and I can see how multiple engines can be in use depending on theme/customisations.

Thanks again.


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