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Old 10-26-2008, 03:30 AM   #1
Registered: Nov 2004
Location: Virginia, US
Distribution: Slackware 14.1 multilib
Posts: 149

Rep: Reputation: 33
SSH and Kerberos

Here's what I'm trying to do... I have 2 machines, ubuntu1 and ubuntu2 (I know not very creative but it's just a test), ubuntu1 is my kdc, dns, dhcp, and ldap server. I configured it by following the instructions found @ And everything works just fine.

If I ssh to ubuntu1 I enter my kerberos password and I'm in, and if I try to change my password the kerberos password is changed, etc.

Now I just installed ubuntu2 (for now it only has ssh on it) and I got it to authenticate users against the kerberos server in ubuntu1. So what's the problem you ask... Well 2 things.

1. I had to add a local account for my users on this box as well (doesn't this defeat the purpose of SingleSignOn?). granted the accounts that I added did not need a password, but still it can be a pain in the behind when you have to manage a few hundred accounts and more that 2 machines.

2. if I ssh to ubuntu2 and I try to change my password it doesn't change the kerberos password it just changes the local one.

Can anyone let me know what I need to do on ubuntu2 to completely integrate with kerberos? TIA for any help.


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