Hi, your english is OK, I understand.
I use squid3.0, therefore my settings will be different to yours (squid 2.6)
as the programs are different (squid 3.0 was rebuilt from the ground up,
but 2.6 is a revision of the old(but still very good) code),
You could begin by reading the /etc/squid.conf (plain text file) configuration file.
Normally this is heavily commented, detailing the purposes of the sections.
The linuxhomenetworking.com page,
ch32 for squid
and ch14 for iptables
are the pages I use most. You may check out the others if you want,
but just start with these 2.
These 2 programs will work together to secure your pc
and to provide proxy-caching for your network.
Ubuntoo probably has tutorials on this, as it is a very popular distribution lately.
Maybe you have help files on your pc.
Also look at the bottom of this page, there are some links to "similar threads".
I hope this helps.
Regards Glenn