Originally Posted by raskin
You don't adjust UTC. You can tell your system you want local time in hardware clock. I wouldn't do that, though.. It's /etc/default/rcS
Something very strange happpend here.
# rm /etc/localtime
# ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Hongkong /etc/localtime
to adjust time zone
then ran "date" to reset time.
Rebooted PC and entered BIOS page. The System Time was incorrect. The System Date is correct.
Adjusted the System Time on BIOS. Booting PC login as satimis.
The time was incorrect (date was correct). Ran "date" to adjust time.
Rebooted PC and entered BIOS page. The time has been reset automatically showing "4:26:37", the date being correct. Left them there untouched.
Booting PC again login as satimis.
satimis@ubuntu:~$ date
Fri Sep 21 12:34:45 HKT 2007
The date and time is correct.
Is it the problem of hardware OR Ubunto 7.04?