What do you need to do? Do you actually want the "Applications" menu & such - i.e. the entire desktop, or do you just want to launch apps from the other machine & interact with them as if you were sitting on that machine?
Either way, you'll need X installed on the Fedora box. If you don't have X installed, there's no way this will work.
If you just want to open apps from the Fedora box on the local machine, simply setup ssh to forward X (it's in the sshd.conf file), or, even easier, when you ssh, pass the "-X" option, i.e. "ssh -X briank@FedoraBox". Then when you open an app, i.e. "/usr/bin/firefox" you'll get firefox from the Fedora box on your local machine.
If you want the full desktop, you'll need vnc or some other program like that. To intsall on the Fedora box, use yum. I hate yum & don't know how it works... something like "yum install vnc"... then from the local machine, you'd run something like "vncviewer FedoraBox"... you may have to specify a port number and/or display, i.e. "vncviewer FedoraBox::5900" - meaning display 0, port 5900 (the default for vnc IIRC).
Last edited by BrianK; 01-29-2008 at 08:16 PM.