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Old 01-25-2007, 05:42 PM   #1
Registered: Dec 2003
Posts: 105

Rep: Reputation: 15
qparted fails from live CD during install

I sure hope someone can give me a clue. I am frustrated by trying to install Ubuntu 6.10 from the live CD. I got the ISO, created the CD, and when I boot from it, the Live desktop appears, and I choose install.

Date, time, name password, etc, and finally to partition and format the drives. At this point, I choose the drive I want to work on, and select manual edit partition table.

The qparted window opens, with nothing in it, and there the system sits until I give up and quit. One time, I got far enough to set up the swap and the install partitions, and then it froze, but since then, I cannot get past the qparted window, at which point, it just hangs. I have let it sit for half and hour :-) to no avail.

No one I know has a clue, and so if this is odd, and there is no answer, is there an ubuntu CD that is NOT live, so I could try that, and if no, I can surely format the partitions from another live distro, but how do I get the install to go past the partition table setup, to have it move on and install the OS?

Thanks a lot for any assistance.

Old 01-25-2007, 06:04 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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You can try using the "alternate" CD from the ubuntu website. It's still pretty easy to use, just not graphical (ncurses/text based).
Old 01-25-2007, 11:35 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by pljvaldez
You can try using the "alternate" CD from the ubuntu website. It's still pretty easy to use, just not graphical (ncurses/text based).
The regular Ubuntu 6.10 cd should do the job for you, but,as the previous poster stated the alternate iso will work if the desktop iso failed. The alternate iso is very forgiving of low RAM configurations and different hardware set-ups.
Old 01-26-2007, 10:07 AM   #4
Registered: Dec 2003
Posts: 105

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Rep: Reputation: 15
Originally Posted by pljvaldez
You can try using the "alternate" CD from the ubuntu website. It's still pretty easy to use, just not graphical (ncurses/text based).

Thank you. I found that CD, and had no problem installing from it. However, I have put up another post, as I got further, but still no luck. :-)


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