Originally posted by Youri
i get this:
[sis_alloc.c:154]: Failure to allocate Z buffer.
wats the problem??
I know this maybe late, but I hope it can still be a help.
Edit the xorg.conf file:
Under "Module" section, make sure there are the following lines:
Section "Module"
Load "dri"
Load "glx"
Load "glcore"
Under the "Device" section,
Section "Device"
Option "DRI" "True"
Option "MaxXFBMem" "16384"
These two options is found from
http://www.winischhofer.at/linuxsispart2.shtml#options, refer the option for DRI and MaxXFBMem. From what I have read, MaxXFBMem is not require if sisfb is loaded. But, even after I loaded sisfb, I still get the same error message. Thus, I removed sisfb from my system, and set the two options above.
Under the "DRI" section,
Section "DRI"
Mode 0666
NOTE: ... mean deleted text. Do not add '...' into the xorg.conf file.
Good luck!
ps: Try testings these setup under init 3, use startx to start the X. After it works, switch back to init 4.