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Old 09-09-2005, 03:46 PM   #1
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Angry Missing Menu Bar

Hi again

i have accidentaly deleted my top menu bar in ubuntu
does anyone have any idea how to get ut back?

Old 09-10-2005, 09:10 AM   #2
Registered: Dec 2001
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you ABSOULTELY MUST be more specific.

I don't know ubuntu - do dey supply KDE ode gnome as DM?

It depends what your top menu bar was too, how it can be sertored...

But it's no that hard to do, in either case.

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Old 09-10-2005, 06:48 PM   #3
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i think hes calling it by right name the menu bar for gnome is on top and thats haw ubuntu comes only with gnome unless u want to install kde or anyother one after. i might be wrong but if u right click on the screen u should get config desktop look in there i think its in there. i did it once too but it was a while ago.
Old 09-11-2005, 08:11 AM   #4
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correct. if you have gnome, a rightclick on the desktop may give you the correct config screen. if not, there is gnome menu, where you can go to "control center" (or something like that) and there you can find somewhere an option to show that menu bar again. I am not so experienced in gnome... but in general, that's the way it goes.


Old 09-11-2005, 03:04 PM   #5
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when i get ubuntu back up ill look to see where that setting is if u still need help with it. <<<(cant remember name of person who started thread) sorry
Old 09-11-2005, 04:48 PM   #6
Mr. Swillis
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Although slightly different, this will work in both KDE and Gnome BTW. In Ubuntu, you also have a bottom "panel", which is what it is called by Gnome. You can right click a blank spot on the panel and have an option to add a new panel. Do this. Then drag the new panel to the top where the old one was.

Now you can add the applets back. You should be able to right click the new panel and add new applets such as the menu, clock, and any others that would like. Sorry not to be more specific, but I am currently running KDE and wouldn't want to stear you the wrong way. It should be pretty straight forward though.

Hope this helps,

Old 12-11-2009, 07:28 PM   #7
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Menu bar disappeared on upgrade to Ubuntu 9.10!

This is nuts! You guys really want people to use Linux and Ubuntu? I'm fairly PC savvy, I'm trying to change religions from Windows to Ubuntu, and I've been struggling, and now something stupid has happened I've never experienced in 20 years of Windows upgrades: I'm trying to use Ubuntu for my customers, had everything set up how I wanted it with Ubuntu 9.04, clicked on update to Ubuntu 9.10, and the menu bar is gone (which I had across the bottom)! I can get to the terminal via Alt-F2, and I can get to the file browser via Ctrl-F, per postings in the Ubuntu forum, and I can edit files, etc. Please help! I can go back to a back-up hard drive with 9.04, but I'm afraid my customers will see the upgrade button for 9.10, do it, and lose the menu (and therefore be paralyzed from doing anything on their PC's). Thanks!
Old 12-11-2009, 07:50 PM   #8
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Try bringing up the run command with alt+f2 and typing
PHP Code:
Old 12-23-2009, 08:06 PM   #9
LQ Newbie
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That didn't work

Running gnome-panel resulted in some terminal code adding applets 0 through 10 and a note in the middle of doing this: "Message: Could not connect to session manager: Could not get owner of home 'org.gnome.sessionmanager': no such name".

And, of course, I still don't have any menu, so I can't do anything on my PC. Good thing I still have Windows... But I really want to use Ubuntu in the future and for my customers!
Old 12-23-2009, 08:18 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by MTiddens View Post

And, of course, I still don't have any menu, so I can't do anything on my PC. Good thing I still have Windows...
I guess you mean "I don't know how to do anything on my PC."
But I really want to use Ubuntu in the future and for my customers!
Sounds like it's time you learn how to use the command line.

If you are really stuck go to console <Ctrl>-<Alt>-<F2>, login and restart gdm

sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart
Old 12-24-2009, 12:47 PM   #11
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Thanks for trying to help. I did mean "I can't do anything on my PC" from a normal user point of view (such as my beta customers, who I'm just praying every day don't hit the upgrade button while I figure this out). There is nothing to click on because the upgrade wiped out the menu bar. But of course I can get to the terminal and enter commands as a technical user. Also, I can navigate from the command line fairly well and can look at and and edit files.

Anyway, Ctrl-Alt-F2 freezes up the PC and requires a hard shut-down. But I can get into the terminal by using Alt-F2 and entering a command with "terminal" checked. I tried restarting gdm and all it did was restart Ubuntu with no menu bar. Maybe I should look at and edit some files that call out the menu bar?
Old 12-24-2009, 01:10 PM   #12
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Ok, you may have some old gnome settings that are playing havoc with the upgraded desktop. As a quick check, create a fresh user account and log in using it.

If that works, log into your own account on the console (make sure you are logged out of gnome) and move your .gnome2 (I think that is the correct dir) to .gnome2.back and then try logging in again.


Last edited by evo2; 12-24-2009 at 01:12 PM.
Old 12-24-2009, 03:29 PM   #13
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Here's a link with a possible solution:

This link refers specifically to Ubuntu 9.10. I don't use Ubuntu so I can't try it. Also, in response to your original post
You guys really want people to use Linux and Ubuntu?
,, I don't use Ubuntu and really don't care if other people are able to use Linux because the primary reason people are unable to is ignorance (which can be easily corrected) and lack of effort. I do spend considerable time on forums trying to help people who are willing to learn. I generally do skip posts (like yours) that start off whining about Linux.

I'm also curious if you had everything set up the way you wanted on 9.04, why did you upgrade? What programs were failing/non-functional/outdated or whatever on Ubuntu 9.04 that prompted you to upgrade? Just because an upgrade is available doesn't mean you have to upgrade, particularly if everything is working.

You might have been better off starting a new thread rather than jumping in to one that is over four years old. I expect people will open this thread and see the first date and close it.
Old 12-29-2009, 01:45 AM   #14
LQ Newbie
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Wow - Yanchek isn't very friendly - calling us new Linux users ignorant or lacking effort. Ubuntu, which is perhaps the friendliest Linux GUI, is definitely not usuable by an average end user - only techy people that are willing to go into terminal mode and enter DOS-like commands, which is constantly required. But that's okay for me. So far I like Ubuntu very much, at least until this upgrade made my menu bar dissappear.

I have designed a TV set-top box which includes Ubuntu. I had it configured exactly how I wanted it and plan to introduce my product soon. But I saw the button to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 and I have to do it because my customers may do it.
Old 12-29-2009, 01:52 AM   #15
LQ Newbie
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Hi evo2 - Thank you very much for your continued help. I fooled around with things and finally found the problem (but haven't solved it yet). I am using an external monitor with a notebook PC motherboard. It turns out that the menu bar is there when "Mirror Screens" is check-marked on the display settings screen, but it disappears when "Mirror Screens" is not checked. So, perhaps this is a bug in the version 9.10 because everything worked in version 9.04? I need to fix this because I need to use a higher resolution on the external display than is on the short-list of the internal display.


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