I'm trying to get lirc to work with my hauppage PVR 350 tv card. But I'm having some difficulties.
I followed the guide at:
I've done every step in this guide and encountered no errors. The problem is that lircd won't start at boot. When I try to start it manually with 'sudo /etc/init.d/lirc start', it looks like it starts. But as soon as I type 'irw' lirc dies immediately. The log says the following:
lircd: lircd(hauppauge) ready
lircd: accepted new client on /dev/lircd
lircd: could not open /dev/lirc
lircd: default_init(): Is a directory
lircd: caught signal
When I perform the following steps I do get it to work, but I have to do this every time I booted.
sudo chmod 666 /dev/lirc
At this point when I do: ls -l /dev/lirc I get the following output:
?--------- ? ? ? ? ? /dev/lirc/0
When I now start 'sudo lircd -d /dev/lirc/0' irw works and I can receive signal. Does anyone have an idea how to solve this issue?
Additional info:
lsmod | grep lirc:
lirc_i2c 10244 0
lirc_dev 14676 1 lirc_i2c
i2c_core 21776 12 i2c_ec,cx88xx,bttv,lirc_i2c,msp3400,saa7127,saa7115,tuner,nvidia,ivtv,i2c_algo_bit,tveeprom
dmesg | grep lirc:
[ 24.296000] lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, at major 61
[ 24.308000] lirc_i2c: no version for "lirc_unregister_plugin" found: kernel tainted.
[ 24.544000] lirc_i2c: chip found @ 0x18 (Hauppauge IR)
[ 24.544000] lirc_dev: lirc_register_plugin: sample_rate: 10