LinuxMint newbee
Hi everyone,
I was using Ubuntu feisty 7.04 at first, but my brother came with LinuxMint that uses the same Gnome kernel. I liked it at first side, but I still have the same problems as in Ubuntu.
1) a)aMsn doesn't work well!!!! My webcam doesn't give any images or sound.
b)Installation of snacklib doesn't give any result
2) After installing aMsn from the portal of LinuxMint or installing it with synaptic, I am able to launch it, but automatically it gives me the update possibility to the newer version 0.97R. When I'm on their site, the only thing I can do is install, not upgrade or update!!????
a) uninstalling aMsn from synaptic or with terminal is OK. (although I don't know if I uninstalled the dependencies too? used code: sudo remove amsn)
b) re-installing aMsn is a NOK! I do'nt know exactly the wright way to install a tar.bz2 being sure to use the right Tcl/Tk needed for this program without needing to configure this. If the Tcl/Tk dependency from the older version is still present, won't it give a conflict with the new one?
3) Is there any book avalable on internet about LinuxMint with (if possible) screenshots? Something like Ubuntu for example? That would help a lot. (I DO understand that Mint is using the repositories from Ubuntu, but I've noticed they're not all open and I don't know wich ones are save!)
Thanks in advance for the help....