Kubuntu 7.10 installer woes....
Hey Guys, I normally go for "roll yer own" type distro's like Linux from scratch. But feeling lazy, and watning to try out KDE 4, i decided to download Kubuntu.
I am having tons of trouble with the installer.
First off, shortly after booting the CD, the monitor turns off and the system seems to hang.
I have got around this by removing the last paramters to the kernel ( the "quiet splash --") I dont think this should have further repocussions ??
I have a few hard disks, Windows on IDE, and a SATA disk holding Gentoo and Linux From Scratch. So i needed to use the manual option on stage 4 of 6 ( configureing the partitons )
I opted to put it all on a free empty xfs partiton (checked the 'format' option just in case )
When i click next, a warning box pops up saying that GRUB often hangs on XFS, and recomnds i use LILO.. i click "OK", nothing happens. i click Next again, the same box pops up warning about GRUB.. so i click Cancel...
Again nothing happens.
i am stuck on stage 4 of 6, (setting up partitons) attempting to click next warns me about grub, and recomnds LILO... but i can find no option to select LILo over grub...
Infact, the terminal shows that /sbin/lilo is not installed.
after a few more attempts clicking next, after the usual warning, it continues to install (must be a insteller bug ?)
THEN, at 94% grub-install fails.
I boot into Linux From Scratch, and Install Grub Manually.
I set grub up to load the Kubuntu 7.10 kernel and initrd.
and pass the correct root=/dev/sda2
All other distros i use install grub at the very end... so i assume that Kubuntu is installed, and just needs a boot loader on the MBR.
The Kubuntu kernel Seems to load and run fine, then Panicks trying to mount VFS root.
the root=/dev/sda2 kernel parameter is correct !
What am i missing ??
is Kubuntu kernel compiled without XFS drivers ????