The easiest way without Ant is to edit the TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml and add something like the following line:
<Context path="/contextpath" docBase="/home/yournamehere/yourwebapp" debug="0" reloadable="true"/>
If you really want to use ant you can do something like:
<target name="deploy-local" depends="webapp">
<property name="tomcat.local" value="c:/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.2" />
<copy todir="${tomcat.local}/webapps/${project}">
<fileset dir="${webapp}" />
Remember to set the tomcat.local value in the if you have Tomcat installed in a non standard location.
eg: tomcat.local=/opt/tomcat
I noticed you opened ~4 topics with the same subject. One will be enough I think.