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Old 07-27-2013, 03:41 PM   #1
Chaitanyakumar G
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2012
Posts: 3

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dell vostro 3550 integrated camera in ubuntu

2 years back I purchased a Dell Vostro 3550 laptop and I directly installed Ubuntu 11.10 at that time. Whenever I use Skype or any other website which uses the webcam, it worked fine. But for the last few months, I'm having problems with my integrated camera. When I start Skype, screen will be black(not completely), and others are not able to identify me. Even the same happened in Google hangout also. When I start video call, it looks black. Can anyone help me please? I am using Ubuntu 13.04 64 bit OS. uname -a gives,

Linux ubuntu13 3.8.0-26-generic #38-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jun 17 21:43:33 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux.

One more important thing I have to add here is, I recently installed cheese in my laptop and it is shwoing my image very clearly. Not even a single darkness is seen. I also installed guvcvideo. But it gives the same problem(image black not at all clear). Please help. When I open skype or google hangout or guvcvideo, image looks like this:

I contacted dell for this problem and they just said they dont have any support on linux. Please help, as it is giving lot of problem.

Old 08-04-2013, 03:50 PM   #2
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it would be good to know which graphics-adapter you're using. Could you please post the output of
lspci -k | grep -iA3 vga
Are you using Skype from Ubuntu's repository? is it the most recent version? could you try an older version?

I would suppose that you have a problem either with your graphics-driver or one of the libraries used when the webcam runs. You may also try the strace command (start Skype from the commandline).
strace Skype 2> Skype.log
will give you a logfile and you can check there for errors.



camera, dell, ubuntu

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