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Old 04-15-2007, 09:22 PM   #16
Registered: Jan 2007
Location: Draper, UT
Distribution: Ubuntu, Windows 10, OSX
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How exactly do i check the "md5sums"?,... and to clear up what i did to check my disk was i ran the "check disk" (or similar) upon booting from the disk. Another thing, i have another thread with a problem that i think resulted from something i did with cdrecord?, can u take a look at it and give me feedback,... that is do you think it is related? heres the link thanks for all the help, sorry for the hassle.
Old 04-15-2007, 10:00 PM   #17
LQ Guru
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Hiya, no hassle at all
for md5sums, check the man page (type 'man md5sum') but basically, you would go to the directory where the file is located, and type into a console:
md5sum filename.iso
and then use the same procedure for the disk, though I **think** you use rawread, but you may have to check on this; if you don't get it figured out, I'll get back to you:
 rawread /dev/hdd | md5sum
which should pipe the burned CD image thru the md5sum command. Now compare the two hashes produced, and make sure they are identical.
I'll have a look at the other thread shortly.

UPDATE: The other thread appears to have absolutely nothing to do with this thread. The other users there have given good advice from what I can tell. Set the file's permissions/access rights as it asks, and it should satisfy the system.

Last edited by GrapefruiTgirl; 04-15-2007 at 10:04 PM.
Old 04-16-2007, 09:23 PM   #18
Registered: Jan 2007
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Hi, thanks, the rawread command was not found by bash, and just making sure but shouldnt it be /dev/cdrom0 or something like that?
Old 04-16-2007, 09:36 PM   #19
LQ Guru
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Well, as for which /derv/device it is, it depends on how you have your devices and (any symlinks) set up.. Myself, I don't have a bunch of /dev/cdrom0 and /dev/cdrom1 and /dev/cdwriter links and stuff lying around.. I spose that if YOU do, you ought to make sure that the permissions of any links along the route to the cd device are not interfering with the actual function.. I find it easier to use /dev/hda /dev/hdb etc..
The 'rawread' tool is a part of 'cdrwtools' which if you want it you can download from possibly sourceforge.. It can be tricky to find, and if you can't find it, I'll send you the package. Very handy thing, if you want to use CDRW's especially.
Old 04-16-2007, 09:53 PM   #20
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On this system i have not made any symlinks (as far as i recall), so i don't think that is the case, i just have the default setting to which the cd drive is cdrom0 and my dvd burner is dvdburner in the /media folder, i was just asking if the rawread location wasnt the actual cd?>, that is from what i could understand in the commands you gave me, the actual burnt cd was not involved, but the .iso from the computer and rawread i don't know what from the hard drive?. Thanks for everything, + the "rawread" command is not recognized by bash. Thanks again,
Old 04-16-2007, 11:43 PM   #21
LQ Guru
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OK, see my last post: 'rawread' is a command which is a part of the 'cdrwtools' package, which, if not on your system, you can obtain from Sourceforge or other places locatable by Google too. If you were to then install the 'crdwtools' package, you would now have the command 'rawread' at your disposal . Command-line commands are, after all, just programs---not every system comes with all of them, but 99% of the time, you can install them.
And to clarify, the usage of rawread in this context, it reads the RAW data contained on the CD, the actual ISO-image FROM the fresh CD, and you compare that resulting checksum to the ISO file from which you MADE the CD.
You can possibly use the 'dd' command for the rawread part, but I am not sure, haven't used much 'dd', and urge you to use care with 'dd' as it is quite powerful. Search for posts by LQ user 'Awesome Machine' for the 'dd tutorial'.
Hope this helps clear this up a little
Old 04-17-2007, 05:16 PM   #22
Registered: Jan 2007
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Ok, thanks for the help , i will look that stuff up...


burning, cd, gnome, k3b, rw

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