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Old 11-17-2006, 02:53 AM   #1
Lars Roan
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2006
Posts: 8

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Can not start up a new installation of Ubuntu

I am new to linux and after installing Ubuntu Edgy x86 with alt CD yesterday on a brand new computer I didn't succeed to start up.

I got the PC last week and installed Xp during the weekend. Then I made new partitions with the ubuntu CD (/, /home and linux-swap) and it looks like the installation succeeded (no error).

At the first start up (and further on...) I got to the grub screen and selected Ubuntu. After this i get a message "Starting up..." and then this error:

[17179572.892000]PCI: JMB26X: Enabling dual function on 0000.03:00.0
[17179572.916000]PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 0 on device 0000.03:00.0
[17179572.916000]PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 1 on device 0000.03:00.0
[17179572.916000]PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 2 on device 0000.03:00.0
[17179572.916000]PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 3 on device 0000.03:00.0
Error when updating region 0000.03:00.0/0 0000c000!=0 0000000
Error when updating region 0000.03:00.0/2 0000c008!=0 0000000

When I made the first trial of installation I got the same message when I tried to start up Ubuntu from the CD. But when I did the same by my old computer (6 years old) then everything went well. No problem. But to ensure that the cd was ok I once again downloaded the iso; ubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386 , burned it by Imgburn this time, check'ed it for error, and then it went well. I went on and partitioned and installed Ubuntu. No error.

When I installed WinXP then I made two primary p.; C and D for win. Those two are respectively 20 and 40gb. My harddisc is 250gb. I made all the partitions for ubuntu inside the extended partition, just after "C and D":
/, 10gb (ext3)
swap, 1gb
/home, 30gb (ext3)
All of them mounted correcty. In addition I part'ed one more inside the extended; a fat32 of 80gb. I know that windows will not partition a fat32 larger then 32 gb, but than can not be the reason for Ubuntu not to start up? What about the 1st message; "..Enabling dual function ", can my processor, Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 + Gainward GeForce 7300GT and Samsung Spinpoint P120S 250GB, SATA2 explain the problems?

Any idea what's the problem? What do you recommend me to do? To start up in recovery mode? And do what?
Old 11-17-2006, 04:07 AM   #2
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: Malaysia, Johor
Distribution: Dual boot MacOS X/Ubuntu 9.10
Posts: 851

Rep: Reputation: 31
I afraid you have some compatiblity issue with your hardware...
Old 11-17-2006, 05:25 AM   #3
Lars Roan
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Region 1,2,3,... Yes, it sounds like it's my hardisc. Can not allocate resource. Do you think it has something to do with the hardware itself or the partitioning? Because I faced the same problem (similar error) when I tried to run Ubuntu from the CD before installing, then it sounds more like its the hardware itself, Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 + Gainward GeForce 7300GT and Samsung Spinpoint P120S 250GB, SATA2 that it the cause of the problems? In such case, what to do then? Any proposal? Are Ubuntu 6.06 more stable than the version I tried, 6.10?
Old 11-17-2006, 08:05 PM   #4
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: Malaysia, Johor
Distribution: Dual boot MacOS X/Ubuntu 9.10
Posts: 851

Rep: Reputation: 31
I have no ideal for your hardware,because too new for me. why don't you try contact ubuntu website too(like ubuntu forum, ubuntuguide or etc)?
Old 11-28-2006, 06:30 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2003
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Hello Lars.

I have exactly the same problem and a hardware setup very close to yours (Geforce 7600GT and Core 2 Duo E6400). I suspect that the Geforce card and plan to install Nvidias own drivers instead of the GPL ones.

Regards /Olle

Originally Posted by Lars Roan
Region 1,2,3,... Yes, it sounds like it's my hardisc. Can not allocate resource. Do you think it has something to do with the hardware itself or the partitioning? Because I faced the same problem (similar error) when I tried to run Ubuntu from the CD before installing, then it sounds more like its the hardware itself, Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 + Gainward GeForce 7300GT and Samsung Spinpoint P120S 250GB, SATA2 that it the cause of the problems? In such case, what to do then? Any proposal? Are Ubuntu 6.06 more stable than the version I tried, 6.10?
Old 11-28-2006, 06:23 PM   #6
Lars Roan
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2006
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Thank you very much for your reply Olbj !

To use Nvidias drivers on a Geoforce card doesn't sound correct to me, but I haven't got that much knowhow about the hardware of computers.

At another forum another person asked me to make a test:
You can see what I found out. It doesn't help me to solve the problem.

Now I've got two challenges; what to do to fix Ubuntu OR how to uninstall? As long as I still can run another partitoning I should be capable to delete the 3 partitons. But what about the startup, bios,.. Still I have 1 minute
when booting to roll down to >Windows and not ubuntu.

If you have some knowhow about this then please tell me. Or the best would be if
you succeed to use other drivers than Geoforce. And how to tell Ubuntu to use this.

I would appreciate If you could send an email to me directly later if you succeeded to startup Ubuntu - or if you have som advice about how to uninstall / delete the partitions + other details that influence windows startup. In such case you can get
me by mail textile then after (a ) use the adress textile then . then no for Norway. Good luck with your alternative driver!

best regards
Lars Roan
Old 11-28-2006, 08:40 PM   #7
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: Malaysia, Johor
Distribution: Dual boot MacOS X/Ubuntu 9.10
Posts: 851

Rep: Reputation: 31
I can't help you to solve the ubuntu issue, but I can help you to setle boot up issue (Uninstall linux).

1. Simply boot into Windows installation Cd
2. Choose repair (1st repair option)
3. type fixmbr when reach command prompt
4. restart then you found you direct boot into windows
5. Remove or reformat the partition you install linux.
6. Done.

Hope this help you.
Old 11-29-2006, 11:23 AM   #8
Lars Roan
LQ Newbie
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Is this a complete uninstall, Kstan?
Bios and all the startup files for Win's will be as before the unsucessful trial by Ubuntu? Please confirm. In such case I'll go for that. And then try to install ubuntu in my old PC (P3,500, 3x128). Thank's
Old 11-29-2006, 07:47 PM   #9
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: Malaysia, Johor
Distribution: Dual boot MacOS X/Ubuntu 9.10
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Rep: Reputation: 31
1st 3 step wipe out the mbr (the boot program in your hdd). The step 5 simply remove all linux partition exist in your PC. I consider it as completely uninstall, and you gain back the disk space

*Provided you have windows xp installation cd. During you boot from cd, remember choose 1st repair choice. The 2nd repair will bring you reinstall windows.

Old 11-30-2006, 07:10 AM   #10
Lars Roan
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At McGraw-Hill's "Windows XP Prof. - The complete reference", at page 78 (of 907) it's written:
"If you install XP prof. first, don't install the Lilo boot loader on your MBR when installing Linux, because Lilo will overwrite the boot loader anad you won't be able to start XP.... (and then an explanation how to remove Lilo).
.. If you remover Linux from a dual-boot config. with XP pro but you find your computer still tries to boot Linux, then boot to DOS from a floppy and restore the MBR by issuing an
>fdisk/mbr command.
Is this the same as your proposal of >fixmbr?

Last edited by Lars Roan; 11-30-2006 at 07:15 AM.
Old 11-30-2006, 09:57 AM   #11
Lars Roan
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2006
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I just tried your proposal kstan - by the installation cd.

I entered C:\Windows and then >fixmbr
I confirmed "yes" and then got a message that everything went well.
But now I can't start up WinXP ! The startup give me a new error message;

PXE-E53: No boot filename received
PXE-MOF: Exiting PXE Rom
Insert system disk and press enter.

If I do so then Windows start up a preparation for an ordinary installation. If i don't put in any CD then I get the message; "Disk boot failure".

"No boot filename", doesn't that mean that there is no boot.ini or not the correct information inside boot.ini? In such case, what to do then?

If I boot and press F12 for selecting boot device then I face 5 opportunities;
Removable, Hard Disk , CD-rom , Network , Optiarc DVD RW

If I choose Harddisk then I face to other opportunities.
"Select boot first device":

Samsung SP2504C or
Bootable Add-in Cards

What do you think I should do? Make a startup CD and , by that one, try to edit C:\boot.ini ?

Or what?

Last edited by Lars Roan; 11-30-2006 at 10:41 AM.
Old 11-30-2006, 10:58 AM   #12
Lars Roan
LQ Newbie
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This is crayzy! I tried once more and then pressed >ESC when I faced the question about booting by what. And then WinXP start up as normal! But don't you think something is wrong in my boot.ini? By >System, Advanced, Startup and Properties I can read that standard operativesystem is;
"Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetext /NoExecute=OptIn"

The next two alternative is 30 second.
When pressing Edit the boot file it's like this:

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn

What's wrong?
Old 11-30-2006, 01:15 PM   #13
Lars Roan
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2006
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Uninstall went well!

I found the standarversion of boot.ini at and removed "/NoExecute=OptIn", as in which was the only diff. to the standard version. Then I managed to boot.

The same happend with Ubuntu install cd. There I found the program geparted and succeded to delete the 3 Ubuntu partitions as well as some minor changes of the 3 Windows partitions. Once again no problem during restart.

All of you, thank's for helping me. Sorry not to succeed to install Ubuntu, and learn an alternative to Windows. Perhaps I'll find an older CD and try to use that one for Ubuntu.
Old 11-30-2006, 07:55 PM   #14
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: Malaysia, Johor
Distribution: Dual boot MacOS X/Ubuntu 9.10
Posts: 851

Rep: Reputation: 31
If I boot and press F12 for selecting boot device then I face 5 opportunities;
Removable, Hard Disk , CD-rom , Network , Optiarc DVD RW

If I choose Harddisk then I face to other opportunities.
"Select boot first device":

Samsung SP2504C or
Bootable Add-in Cards
Seems like your bios ask you where to boot the devices. Choose your samsung SP2504C(I assume you install winxp here). Then it should boot ok. After restart try whether it asking again same question.



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