backup recovery file permissions problem
ok to start out im pretty new to the commands. i first started by mounting my windows hdd under hdb1 and mounting it to /mnt. i cp -r from /mnt /home/slipaway172/ and the files that i copied have a "lock" on the folder and when i click on it , the folder will dissappear. if i login to gnome under root, ( i know bad thing , i disconnected from internet when i did) i can gain complete access and look at any files. the files permissions states that they are owned by root. i went to the parent folder and changed the owner to slipaway172, i expected for it to apply this to all subfiles and subfolders. how can i change the permissions of all of the files so a normal user can, read write, and execute ? i have looked around for chmod but never figured out how to correctly use it.