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Old 02-23-2007, 06:33 PM   #1
Registered: Jan 2007
Distribution: Ubuntu CE Jaunty
Posts: 52

Rep: Reputation: 15
Any last hope? Dell 946 w/ no drivers.

Okay. Consensus seems to be that my dell946 AIO printer is a linux paperweight. The dell rep who sold it to me positively assured me it was linux compatible. But if there are no drivers for it, how compatible is it. I wonder what he thought I meant when I asked if it was compatible. I was asking that because I intended to actually use the thing. Grrrrrr.

Anyhow, wine I guess is out of the question for running the driver. There's an OS but it is still in alpha stage. Any options left before I pack this thing up and send it back to dell?
Old 02-23-2007, 06:46 PM   #2
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The cups site says paper weight as you say. The sales rep should provide the drivers for linux if the rep says it will work. This is where I get things like that in writing. Even in Wine you still need to have a linux driver so it can send the correct data stream to print. Send it back and look into HP aio's. Nearly all use the HPLIP package to provide print, scan, fax, and cardreader support depending on the models specs. Got an HP3310 setup using the network port and was printing from Linux in less than 3 minutes.

Old 02-26-2007, 12:07 PM   #3
Registered: Jan 2007
Distribution: Ubuntu CE Jaunty
Posts: 52

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You're right-time to send it back. In case I run a multiboot, will it run with windows, too? (I'm assuming so, but I thought I'd ask just in case.)
Old 02-26-2007, 03:28 PM   #4
Registered: Jan 2007
Distribution: Ubuntu CE Jaunty
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Is it really necessary? A whole new...PUTER???

Okay. So I call Dell and tell them what happened to set up the return for the printer. The rep asks me thrice if I'd like to just run windows vista. I tell him thrice I'll be running linux, and there is no driver for this printer that I can find. After several holds on the phone line he states dell doesn't support linux. I tell him that's fine. He repeats the question: would I like to run windows exclusively? No, I would not. I'll be running linux. Then he tells me I should probably just return the whole system and get an entire system custom made, compatible with linux.

Just a few days ago I didn't know anything about drivers or USB ports or anything else on the inside of a computer. So I thought I'd request your wisdom: is it really necessary to return the entire system? I understand the rep can't help me if there's a problem but...this whole thing needs to be replaced? Or is a puter a puter? I mean, isn't just a printer with a working driver all I need?

I thought I'd consult you fine ladies and gentlemen and see what you think.
Old 04-09-2007, 08:32 PM   #5
Registered: Jan 2007
Distribution: Ubuntu CE Jaunty
Posts: 52

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Rep: Reputation: 15
Originally Posted by Brian1
The cups site says paper weight as you say. The sales rep should provide the drivers for linux if the rep says it will work. This is where I get things like that in writing. Even in Wine you still need to have a linux driver so it can send the correct data stream to print. Send it back and look into HP aio's. Nearly all use the HPLIP package to provide print, scan, fax, and cardreader support depending on the models specs. Got an HP3310 setup using the network port and was printing from Linux in less than 3 minutes.

I took your excellent advice and bought an HP. I'm very happy with it. Easy install, user-friendly features-a good deal. Thank you for your insight.


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