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Old 05-07-2006, 07:28 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2006
Posts: 1

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Accessing other HDDs/Booting from other HDDs

Hello, sorry to make a new thread on this but I don't know if theres another thread about this or not.

I have 2 Hard Drives at the moment;

20GB (Master) which has Ubuntu 5.10.

80GB (Slave) which has Windows XP Pro (NTFS).

I've come across a problem where I cannot use (it won't "activate" in the disks-manager, but sees it there) the 80GB HDD from Ubuntu, and cannot even boot from my Windows XP partition which is on the other HDD.

Is there any way I can access the other HDD from Ubuntu, and can I boot to my other partition somehow?

Thank you
Old 05-07-2006, 09:11 AM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Aug 2003
Distribution: CentOS, OS X
Posts: 5,131

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You should be able to boot to your XP just need to configure your /boot/grub/menu.lst so it contains an entry for XP. Ubuntu forums or these LQ forums have lots of info about how a dual boot is configured (it's really a matter of 2-3 lines).

And about the "accessing". Because it's an NTFS drive, you can access it read-only fine, but if you want to write data there, you might have problems. You can add to your /etc/fstab a line like this:

/dev/hdb1 /mnt/windows ntfs defaults 0 0

that would mount /dev/hdb1 (change that to the device which your 2nd HD really is, if it's not that) to /mnt/windows (remember to create that directory, or point it someplace else) with ntfs-filesystem and default options. Read
man mount
to see more information about what options you can give (like "auto,umask=0222" to automatically mount it at boot and let other users use it too, not just the one who mounts it [root]).

if you need a write access you'll need either ntfs-fuse drivers installed (and ntfs-tools package) or then use Captive (only for 32-bit systems); you can read more about them by googling Captive and/or ntfs-fuse. Neither of them gives you "full good" write access; ntfs-fuse has a 50/50 chance to success writing data and a bit bigger for deleting it. So a lot of it is going to fail. Captive is said to have some big problems at the moment, so none of them will give you a smooth working write-access; I'd say forget it for the moment. Use a fat32 filesystem, rather, for windows if you can..
Old 05-07-2006, 11:21 AM   #3
Senior Member
Registered: May 2005
Distribution: Ubuntu with IceWM
Posts: 1,775

Rep: Reputation: 86
I've read (though I haven't been able to substantiate this) that Windows generally likes to be on the master (not slave) drive, and that set up might cause problems.

As for accessing, follow this tutorial, and you should be fine:


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