Published at LXer:
I've been using Linux full-time instead of Windows since July, 2006. After happily using SimplyMepis Linux for 15 months, I switched to using Debian Linux full-time in December, 2007, after I installed Debian Etch (KDE) for the very first time. I carefully documented that entire installation and its subsequent configuration in My Debian Adventure. Since then, I've been very happily using Debian Etch, the "Stable" branch of the Debian family of distros. Once I experienced Etch's rock-solid performance, I was never even tempted to delve into the newer Debian Lenny (Testing branch) or Debian Sid (Unstable branch), even though those other branches had newer Linux kernels and software versions. All of that changed yesterday. Now I'm using Debian Lenny and I probably won't go back to using Etch. This article explains why, and describes my Debian Adventure with Lenny.