Published at LXer:
Cinnamon is the brain child of Linux Mint founder and is available for Debian-based distros as well as RPM-based systems such as openSUSE and Fedora. The availability of the project for other distributions makes Cinnamon a great project. I think and will become quite popular among other non-Debian systems as well. openSUSE and Fedora already have repositories (testing) for Cinnamon and non Ubuntu/Linux Mint users can install it too. So, suddenly Cinnamon has a bigger user-base than Unity which is available only under Ubuntu. There are two problems plaguing Unity – it's availability only on Ubuntu (not even Linux Mint uses it) and the defensive stand of some of the developers. Instead of listening to users and giving them what they want, users are told to learn how to use Unity. That's not how it works in a world where there are many options. It may work in the Windows or Apple world where its 'my way or highway' approach. So, even the most enthusiastic users who do want to use Unity are discouraged. This limits Unity's growth. Cinnamon, on the other hand is available for wider audience and will enjoy stronger feedback and contribution. Just look at the amount of Gnome shell extensions are there as compared to Unity lens and scopes!