Published at LXer:
When compared to their Window's equivalents, the names of many Linux programs are difficult to recognize and even tougher to remember. This may seem like splitting hairs, but it is actually an important usability issue. This article at XYZ Computing takes a look at Linux's strange naming practices. When compared to their Window's equivalents, the names of many Linux programs are difficult to recognize and even tougher to remember. This may seem like splitting hairs, but it is actually an important usability issue. Just think, if you had to do a bit of graphic design which would be easier to pick out of the menu, GIMP or Photoshop? Or if you wanted to play a song, Media Player or xine? [ED: While there is a certain logic to the complaint, it fails to recognize where copyright infringement plays a role. Moreover, the extreme methods some companies have used to protect the names of their products. Furthermore, on the chat tool how much more information does one see in aim over gaim or how hard is to guess what mplayer does? - HC] [ED: It will all be moot once Linux pushes Windows aside and the new ISV have brillIant naming. Sal just a bit of patience is needed - HC]