I'm also using suse 9.1 pro and had the same problem with an internal 100mb Iomega zip drive. Here is what I did. In the /etc/fstab file I added the following line:
/dev/hdd4 /media/zipdrive subfs fs=floppyfss,procuid,nodev,nosuid,user 0 0
In the /media directory I created a new directory to mount to (Zipdrive), you can call anything you want. Just be sure you enter the correct directory name in the fsab file. When I mounted the drive I used...
"mount -t vfat /dev/hdd4 /media/zipdrive"
Your zipdrive may not be device hdd. Watch the msgs when booting and you should see the system list the Iomega zip drive. It will list a device name (hdd, hda, etc.) The reason I added the (4) (hdd4) is because a more experienced user told me that for zip drives, Iomega used the 4th partition. I don't know, I'm a new user of linux. All I can say is that my zip drive works now (for the most part (at least I can read and write to it). There is some really good info in the manual pages on fstab entries (man mount). I'm still reading the man page and will probably try more things to make the drive work better. Like sometimes it won't mount or unmount. Like I said, I'm very new with linux and have a lot to learn.