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SUSE / openSUSE This Forum is for the discussion of Suse Linux.


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Old 02-28-2008, 11:10 AM   #1
Registered: Feb 2004
Location: 'Ol Blighty
Distribution: SLED 10, SUSE 10.3
Posts: 722

Rep: Reputation: 32
Triple Boot Suse 10.3 32 bit, suse alpha 11.0 64 bit and Windows XP (32 Bit)

I've already got open suse 10.3 32 bit and windows XP (32 bit) installed and running on a dual core laptop.

I'd like to install a 3rd OS suse alpha 11.0 64 bit on the same machine with a triple boot option.

Can I just install (I've got enough partition / disk space) or will I have probs with the GRUB loader (mixing 32 and 64 bit OS'es).

Not sure how Windows XP 32 bit will load from 64 bit Grub loader.


Old 02-28-2008, 11:25 AM   #2
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Is there a version from windows Xp 64 bit and if so How to discover it
I use windows Xp and suse 10.3 64 bits version Grub also load my windows XP
If you,re installing suse alpha 11 did she leave suse 10. in place, because I use suse 9,3 before and when I install suse 10.3 I assume that she leaves 9.3 in place but she just replace it while I have a lot of space over to keep both

all the best



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