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Old 10-19-2005, 07:32 PM   #1
Registered: Oct 2005
Posts: 45

Rep: Reputation: 15
Tor Onion Network on SuSE 10.0 GM

Newbie guide from a newbie.
I am a newbie to Linux and I made this guide because I could not find one but had to piece information together. I did this from various places and hopefully I linked them all here.
I did not invent anything and don't full understand the context of this guide but hopefully it will help someone.
Me being a newbie myself this could very well be full of misinformation and errors.

Install privoxy 3.0.3 and Tor Source tarballs on SuSE 10.0 GM with Firefox 1.0.7.

1.1 Installing privoxy and configuration
1.2 Configuration of Firefox 1.0.7
1.3 Install libevent-1.1a.tar.gz
1.4 Install OpenSSL
1.5 Compile Tor from source and Install
Here is a very nice guide for windows that can also be applied to SuSE when it comes to the privoxy “config” file and general proxy settings.

First thing to do is installing privoxy and configuration.
privoxy 3.0.3 is on the SuSE installation disc.
K => System => YaST
In search just type in privoxy and install. (Disc 1 or DVD.)

However privoxy is not activated.
K => System => YaST => System => System Services (Runlevel)
In the menu find privoxy under Simple Mode and enable it. Now privoxy will run as a service and start on every reboot.

Now to configuration of privoxy. By default it is located /var/lib/privoxy in /ect you will find the config file. Open it with a test editor to edit it.
Under 1.5. logfile you want to edit out the logfile logfile with an # so it will look like #logfile logfile

The same goes for 1.6. jarfile
#jarfile jarfile

Now add this line at the top - forward-socks4a / localhost:9050 .
This will setup privoxy to work with Tor.
See -
if you are unsure.

Configuration of Firefox 1.0.7
First thing I would do is create a profile for the soul purpose of running Tor.
Here is the guide

But what you do from a terminal is .mozilla/firefox> firefox you will now get the option to create a profile.

Lets call it Torprofile for this guide.

Now start Torprofile
Edit => Preferences => General => Connection Settings => Enable Manual Proxy Settings.

In Http Proxy put in for host and 8118 in port.
In SSL Proxy put in for host and 8118 in port.

You now need to do one last setting in firefox.

In the firefox browser window type in about:config find
network.proxy.share_proxy_settings and set the boolean false to true by double clicking it.

Firefox Torprofile should now be set to run with privoxy and Tor.

Now to prepare the installation of Tor you will need to install libevent-1.1a.tar.gz

You might get a corrupt archives error. Look here -
Just do as instructed “cd /home/name/download; tar zxvf filename.tar.gz”
and that should do the trick.

Now since there are not any Tor packages for SuSE you will have to compile from source.
But to avoid an error during compiling you need to install OpenSSL.
K => System => YaST
Search for OpenSSL and just install them all. (Disc 2 or DVD)

Lastly the compiling and installation of Tor

Compile Tor source tarballs
To be found here -

As already said you will need to compile Tor from source. Just follow this guide.

All you need is this

tar zxf linuxquestions.tar.gz
cd linuxquestions
make test (optional)
make install

All done!

Now privoxy should be running as default on reboot as a service, you then start Tor /usr/local/etc/tor and then your Torprofile in firefox.
You should now be running through the onion network.

Thank you to LinuxQuestions and the great forums and to all the people asking questions so newbies like me can learn.

Please point out all the fatal mistakes and if considered more an act of terror than help then please delete.

Last edited by atlaika; 10-19-2005 at 09:00 PM.


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