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Old 10-15-2004, 05:51 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2004
Location: BG
Posts: 19

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SuSe 9.1 Professional + Promise RAID

My motherboard is ASUS P4C800 Deluxe with built in FastTack 378 RAID controler. I have 2 SATA 120 GB HDD, configured in RAID0 by the BIOS. In /dev/sda1 I have installed WinXP. /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda3 are ntfs partitions. I want to install SuSe 9.1 Professional in /dev/sda4, but when instalation starts - this message appears:

This system has at least one hard disk with a RAID configuration sold by the BIOS as RAID that is in fact software RAID. We detected the following disks to be part of such RAID:
/dev/sda /dev/sdb
The Linux kernel 2.4 supported some of these systems( like Promise FastTrack nad HighPoint RocketRaid ), the Linux kernel 2.6 does not supported them at all.
If you do an instalation onto these disks RAID configuration and any data on the RAID will be lost!

I dont want to lose any information and RAID configuration, what shall I do?
Anybody can help me?
Thank you!
Old 10-15-2004, 06:32 AM   #2
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: London
Distribution: Susi 9.1, Man10 amd64, Man10.1
Posts: 243

Rep: Reputation: 30
I loaded SuSE9.1 on an XP and mandrake 10.0 disc. the SuSE ignored the XP and took up the Mandrake space only booting with SuSE.

I had to return to Mandrake and using the disc wizard cleared SuSE from the ex Mandrake partition and reinstalled Mandrake.

It might be easier to try Mandrake until the SuSE wizard is improved with respect to XP co-habitation on the same drive, or more?

That is unless you can get someone to explain how to use the less helpful SuSE partitioning and recognized XP space.



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