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Old 05-29-2006, 03:23 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2006
Posts: 1

Rep: Reputation: 0
several problem areas

Hi All!!! I seem to be handicapped with no time, mental capacity, or
interest to be a part of the command line pack but would like to make a
clean break from uKnoWho. Since I've quit buying their product I would
like to begin supporting a Linux Distro.. I prefer Suse cuz it seems the
most complete and at the forefront of all other distros. Yet it Lags in
GUI configurability ease and ease of use to my standards or mental
limitations. I've got memory problems and if I have to spend much time
figuring out how to configure something I forget why I am on the
computer and nothing gets done especially the configuring. I've been
using the free downloads of Suse OS to try to make a clean break from M
$. Yet It hasn't provided me with all resources needed as easily
configurable and usable as I need and am use to. I'm happy with the
reliability, stability, and what usability that is there for me. I would
gladly begin paying for it if it were to my complete liking. That's
another drawback for me...I'm disabled and have limited resources.

I don't like how one has to hunt through cryptic nonsense not to find an
answer in the poorly written non help files. Why can't help files be
help files and not rubix cube if you can solve the puzzle of the written
chaos then you will know how to write and use your own operating

How does one register if they do not have a purchased copy? You'd think
if Novell/Suse wanted people to register they would put an easily
identifiable message telling the public how to do it!! Instead all I
find is only incoherent writing about registration that leaves me
wondering if not purchasing the product has penalized me toward an
impossible registration routine thus incomplete update status.

Why does Mozilla and Epiphany not work in either KDE or Gnome default

Konqueror is the only browser that allows me Internet connectivity.

I've installed flash player and it does not work. I've installed
Fetchmail and tried to configure it via fetchmailconf. Quite frankly I'm
thinking it might be easier to learn and use command line than use this
gui config tool. M$ has shown it doesn't have to be this hard.

Windows may be less reliable and less secure in some instances but at
least it works 99% of the time for me out of the box and it doesn't take
the mindset of a technical engineer to set up.

All the distros that I've tried including Suse are doing good if they
give 75% useability when compared to Windows available features. If
Linux ever is going to want to compete as a desktop it's going to have
to be easier and flashier that the others.

Another problem I'm having is lockups happening with Konqueror and Open
Office running at the same time. This happens on a frequency of
Windoze95 standard. These lockups require a reset button reboot not
unlike M$ of old. I'm using Suse 10.1 now.

I'm sorry but The frustration of Linux complexities without
straightforward easily identifiable answers is driving me back to the M
$noploly. Aspects of Linux is so freaking confusing to me I do not even
know how or what to ask. It seems like a power play league to me. Every
player talking free OS for the masses but making a secret society out of
it and keeping the less talented locked out. YAST is powerful but can't
it be simplified too?

I want it to work but need it to be simpler more intuitive and less
secretive. If it works why not tell others how to use it in a human
language of understanding?

If you feel dedicated to lending some support I'd be mighty grateful.
Old 05-29-2006, 04:52 AM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Mar 2004
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I would like to pick up some points (although I usually don't join Linux vs. Windows discussions):

Yes, the helpfiles are not very helpful. It appears to me that the developers where too exhausted by the programming, that they didn't care about documentation. They already know how it works. But have you recently had a look at Windows helpfiles? I think, I don't have to get into details. On reason to stick to Linux was the fact that I found quick and competent help in the forums. Much better than any helpfile could do.

Another point is the conflict of customizability and ease-to-use. To honest, I prefer to tweak my system on the command-line. YaST may be powerful, but I don't want to click my way through a lot of settings and at the end having no idea what changes I have just applied. But newer releases have made this more difficult. While in SUSE 9.1, I just had to change a single line in /etc/sysconfig, I now have to digg myself deep into XML code to change the automount settings. The more automated features a system offers, the more complicated it gets to understand what's going on. Such a complex system has to be very stable. And I don't see this in SUSE 10.1.

You are asking for support, but I guess you need to be a little more specific here. Pick one of your problems, provide more information about what you are planning to do and where you face problems. Maybe someone can help.

Last edited by abisko00; 05-29-2006 at 04:53 AM.


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