Solved least my problem
Not sure what was causing the problem but I installed the original tightVNC that SuSE ships with. Then I installed the new RealVNC 4.1-1. When you install RealVNC it actually does an un-install on tightVNC. These were both done with rpm's btw. When I did this, my problem went away. Konqueror worked fine. RealVNC 4.1-1 is A LOT faster than tightVNC. RealVNC is almost undistinguishable from an X-session on the machine itself and that is running full color (all be it a flat monochrome background). It pains me to think of the time I pissed away chasing this one before I did a simple reinstall. I'll take a note on this one................
For your problem, first make sure you are using the same versions of server and client. If you are trying to use a RealVNC client with tightVNC server, that is not going to work.
You need, at a minimum, an ssh backdoor port to the server from the client. Log in via ssh and start your server. When that has started, then you can start your client. Take note of the screen and name/IP of your server as you need that to start your client. Be sure you have created a VNC password ahead of time (not to be confused with your user ID Password, although they can be the same, they are different passwords and are not stored in the same place.)