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hayden_209 01-03-2008 12:44 PM

Here's something interesting!....i've just had the same freeze in Debian Etch!!! Argggghhhhh!!!

How do you uninstall the Nvidia drivers?? (although i haven't installed the 3d ones off the Nvidia site)

riba43 01-07-2008 02:24 AM

Hi, my system is not freezing anymore. I do not know why, but there is another thing happening, in Konqueror only, and that is signal 11(SIGSEGV) whenever I try to change a web site. The backtrace is not usable( [?1034h(no debugging symbols found)
Using host libthread_db library "/lib64/".
No problem in Firefox!!!!

hayden_209 01-08-2008 04:53 AM

I've installed 10.3 - interestingly i've been using it for a few days now and no crash, touch wood this continues!!

hayden_209 01-08-2008 04:53 AM

I bet i've jinxed it now :rolleyes:

MoghNX01 01-11-2008 05:00 AM

Are we sure that everyone here is actually experiencing the *same* problem, and not similar problems? Colin, you've said a number of times that your problem only happens when running web browsers. Can you try using the system for games, email, office work exclusively for a while and see if anything happens?

One thing I am certain about is that my own problem has nothing to do with web browsers. I have so far established:

- No difference between running in GNOME or KDE
- No difference between running KWin or Compiz
- No difference in any nVidia drivers ranging from the latest to those up to a year old

- Problem appears only if I have Hyperthreading and Intel Speedstep enabled in the BIOS, as well as ACPI enabled on Linux. Running with all of these enabled makes the system lightning-fast but it crashes randomly within a couple of minutes; running with them disabled makes the system more sluggish but with no instant crash.

deepumnit 01-11-2008 05:25 AM

Yes, not only by you, I guess every person who is using openSUSE 10.3. I have had severe problems with that lately. I installed this a few days ago. It seemed to be nice for a few boots. But after, say, 6-7 boots, it just hangs the moment I log into it. May not be at the boot stage, but certainly when I enter GNOME/KDE. I click on the desktop once, and it hangs. I cannot do anything, except for forcing my computer to restart by pressing the 'restart' button! I tried disabling Compiz, even then I had the same problems.

MoghNX01 01-11-2008 05:42 AM

Is there any way of us alerting the openSUSE team to this, so that they can investigate it?

deepumnit 01-11-2008 09:15 AM

Yes, you can post this OR mail this to the openSUSE suggestions team. You may find that on their site.

me_ssb 01-16-2008 09:54 AM

Hi everyone,

I have tried to disable all the acpi and apm both on the installation screen and the BIOS. Nothing happening.

The green installation option screen comes up kernel loads and the system HALTS. Saying that there is and invalid compression (err=1).

Any suggestions to a fix or workaround?

MoghNX01 01-16-2008 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by me_ssb (Post 3024610)
Hi everyone,

I have tried to disable all the acpi and apm both on the installation screen and the BIOS. Nothing happening.

The green installation option screen comes up kernel loads and the system HALTS. Saying that there is and invalid compression (err=1).

Any suggestions to a fix or workaround?

This doesn't sound like the same issue being discussed in the thread; has your system worked at all, or is this immediately after installation? I'd recommend running the repair system to see if the bootloader is broken, but amazingly it ships broken on openSUSE 10.3 and I gather there are no plans to rectify this.

obutterball 01-19-2008 05:15 PM

Well, folks, it looks like I have solved my problem. Kind of involved story, but here it is:

I noticed that there was an update for my ABIT SLI Slot 939 motherboard, and since I was having problems with the Redmond XP OS installation, I figured it was time to do the BIOS update (AWARD BIOS: boot from floppy, install from .bin file, reboot, etc.) The Redmond OS came up fine, and the problem seemed to be solved, but when I rebooted openSUSE 10.3, XWindows bailed on me and hung on trying to enter level 5. I rebooted and it came up level 3, not XOrg. Logging in as root, changed the xorg.conf driver line from "nv" to "nvidia" (as I mentioned before in this thread), ran SaX2, accepted the default and rebooted. It came up fine, and when I went to open the nVidia server config window, it said the nVidia server was NOT running (interesting that I kept getting those bogus heat commands: the nVidia server is where they come from). Further investigation revealed Compiz Fusion (eye candy crap) WAS running (don't know how that happened) and the latest nvidia driver was NOT installed (I had gone into YaST and done that, WEEKS ago, WTF?).

I disabled Compiz Fusion, rebooted, installed the latest nvidia driver AGAIN, rebooted, as root I ran the nvidia-xconfig to start the nvidia server, rebooted, enabled the nVidia-glx and Compiz Fusion desktop effects facility, rebooted (I have ZERO confidence in restarting the Xserver from a command line rather than rebooting). I have not had a lockup since and that was two days ago. AND I have all that fancy eye candy running!

My advice to everyone is to update all of your motherboard firmware, reinstall your latest video card driver (even if you are POSITIVE you already did it), make sure Compiz Fusion is disabled, if you are using an nVidia card make sure that server is running. See how it goes. Then, if everything is alright you have 3D capability, enable it and see how that goes.

MoghNX01 01-20-2008 07:12 AM

^ I tried doing a BIOS flash (I'm now on the latest version) and I've reinstalled the video drivers after that several times... no luck. Glad at least one computer is past this issue, though!

obutterball 01-20-2008 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by MoghNX01 (Post 3029012)
^ I tried doing a BIOS flash (I'm now on the latest version) and I've reinstalled the video drivers after that several times... no luck. Glad at least one computer is past this issue, though!

What type of video card are you running?

Yeah, boy, I am happy, I was starting to wonder if maybe I shouldn't try another distro and come back to openSUSE when they release 11!

MoghNX01 01-21-2008 06:16 AM

It's an nVidia card - 8400GT I think, but I've replaced it since this issue started, so that's two nVidia cards, both made years apart, with the same error. I've tried everything from the latest drivers to drivers over a year old, so I'm reckoning it's not the graphics card. Also, I've tried SSHing into the machine once the display freezes - if it were just an X issue I'd expect to get in, but the system is completely unresponsive.

I'm still reckoning this has something to do with the motherboard ultimately, because it boots when I either:

a) Disable ACPI when running Linux, OR
b) Disable two options in the BIOS - HyperThreading and Intel SpeedStep

That said, I hope it's something diagnosed in openSUSE 11. Whilst there have been strides in 10.3 (one-click install, generally better integration, much faster boot) I've been shocked at the clangers that have been let through - things like a broken repair system on the installation disc, no ability to hdparm IDE devices, and these multiple crashes that seem to crop up. Here's to hoping 11 is a better release...

riba43 01-21-2008 09:28 AM

Hi guys, I have tried everything, but all in vain. But there is one thing which I have been trying now for some weeks, Firefox. When I am connected using Firefox, the system NEVER hangs. It only hangs when I use Konqueror. That is a fact.

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