I finally discovered the easiest way to use your local time server pool to get the correct time on Suse 10.2. This procedure will probably work with other Suse's, and even with other distros. I discovered it while setting up my BT HomeHub, which is a Thomson SpeedTouch in a silly box, but it does have a VoIP phone socket, and an 802.11b/g AP.
In YaST select
Network Services >
NTP Configuration
Automatically Start NTP Daemon select
During Boot
Run NTP Daemon in Chroot jail
Configure NTP Daemon via DHCP
Open port in Firewall
The click
This page will give you the addresses for your local NTP pool servers
I'm in London, so I selected Europe then United Kingdom and got this selection:
If you only use one then use the bare address like this:
You have to add them one at a time. Use the test button to make sure they are reachable and respond correctly.
I started this investigation, because the list that is provided with YaST is wrong! The suggested server for the UK is
gb.pool.ntp.org which doesn't exist.
I now have to find out how to do this on FC6 with Gnome.