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Old 09-19-2005, 06:31 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2005
Posts: 2

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Novell Login on LinuxBox

We have Linux server (Lotus Notes Server) on which we have installed Quantum DLT drive.
We have two netware servers, one is Netware 4.11 and other is 5.0.
Before adding 4.11 in a network, we used to take backup of netware 5 voulmes data on Linux DLT. On linux we use NCPLOGIN and NCPMOUNT commands to map volumes of netware servers and on Linux we are using inbuild TAR utility to run backup.
Now when there two netware servers in a Network, we could do the same which we used to do before, but could not take netware 4 servers data backup on DLT.In short I could not login to Netware 4 from Linux.
But one thing I noticed when I restart linux server and if i tried first to login to Netware 4 server on linux.Then it is successfully logging in. Immediately after that I tried to login another server netware 5, then It was giving error 'Could not find server' .
This same thing happens when i again restart Linuxbox and tried first login to Netware 5 and its gets into, but then after not logging to netware 4.
That means I could not map both servers mappings on linux.Whenever I try to map other servers volumes on Linux it says 'Server not found (Ox8847) when trying to find ....'

Both netware servers are running on different Frame Type.For netware 5.0= 802.2 and for netware 4.11= 802.3
Both server supports IP and IPX.

Pls suggest.

Vishal S
Old 09-21-2005, 05:39 PM   #2
Registered: Aug 2003
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Netware 4.x supported IP only marginally. It's darned old stuff. I'm amazed it works at all.

Do the Netware servers see each other properly? If you do a "trace on" on the Netware servers, do you see both listed in the tracing console? Sounds if anything that you have a network numbering mismatch.

Jon Johnston
Creative Business Solutions
IBM, Microsoft, Novell/Suse and Sophos Consulting
Old 09-28-2005, 01:49 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2005
Posts: 2

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RE:Novell login on linuxbox

Jon, Thanks for kind reply.

I noticed errors on netware 4.11 and netware 5 console.

On netware 4.11 console, it gives error
RIP router configuration error detected Node 000629EE0B5A (netware5 servername) claims network address 7BE332D7 should be C9CDCDF0.

'Config' command on netware 4 gives following details,
node Address: 006094199C73
IPX network: 521C561F

On netware 5 console, it gives multiple errors
1. SAP router configuration error detected node 0050BAD42D3B claims network address C9CDCDF0 should be 7BE332D7
2. RIP router configuration error detected node 006094199C73 claims network address C9CDCDF0 should be 7BE332D7

whereas 'config' on netware 5 is,
node address: 00629EE0B5A
IPX network: C9CDCDF0

What those errors means?
are they trying to communicate with each other?
Pls advice.

Vishal S.


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