Hi All,
In earlier days life was a lot simpler. When my memories bring me back to those happier days i can remember that SuSE 8.0 could act as a netware server, just modify nwserv.conf and presto IPX was enabled. Indeed those were days in wich life was carefree....
Later on with the purchase of SuSE 9.1 (and i hesitate to say) professional MARSNWE wil not start because installed kernel modules are not to be found by the kernel. By SuSE there is no information to be found in the support database regarding MARSNWE, IPX and NETWARE. Since the support desk haven't bothered themselves of gracing me with anything else then an automated reply, on any support question in this matter i put to them i am forced to believe that the kernel is not part of the SuSE operating system and as such it is byond the scope of basic installation support.
If anyone is out there who could tell me how to enable the netware emulation in SuSE 9.1 i would be most gratefull