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Old 07-23-2005, 06:40 AM   #1
Registered: Jul 2005
Location: Punjab - [ India ]
Distribution: OpenSuSE 10.0 x86_64 Edition. & Mandriva Linux 2006 x86_64 Edition.
Posts: 67

Rep: Reputation: 15
Unhappy Internet sharing help in suse 9.3 pro

Hey there,

im running two terminals with Suse 9.3 pro and want to share A's internet connection with B.

"A" has ip and DHCP enabled on this local NIC.
"A" also has a second NIC with a public IP statically configured by my ISP.
Internet work fine on "A"

Networking works great between "A" and "B" also as i can ping between them and "B" automatically get an IP from a pool specified in DHCP server running on terminal "A".

Lets suppose "B" get the following information by DHCP on "A"
IP :
Name server 1: 202.xx.xx.5 (nameserver provided by my ISP)
Name server 2: 202.xx.xx.6

I tried enabling "IP Forwarding" in routing section of YaST but still nothing works.
Is there some other panel from where "Routing" has to be configured?

Please tell me how does "routing" work.

one more thing. If i run "windows 2000 server" with routing properly configured on Server "A" then Internet works great on terminal "B", but i want to configure terminal "A" with a linux server.

plz guide me guys n gals.

thanx in adv.
Old 07-23-2005, 09:08 AM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Eire
Distribution: Slackware 12.0, OpenSuse 10.3
Posts: 1,120

Rep: Reputation: 45
Have a look in Yast Control Center -> Security And Users -> Firewall

You'll want to activate masquerading (as well as ip forwading which you have) and make sure your interfaces are in the proper zone i.e internal interface, external interface

Can't try it out using YAST as I only have one computer.


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