hello guys,
i have started a topic on this issue in another great suse support forum (*.de)
the point is, that i tried to install a webcam on my suse 9.1 and don't know how to do it. i plugged them in and nothing happened. the suse hardware watcher didn't show anything relative to these models. i have read some articles on installing webcams, but they are applied to debian and redhat and the directory they work in for configuring the webcam differ with the ones in suse.
i have tried unsuccessfully to install the following webcam models (one at a time, of course):
- genius videoCam series v2
- genius videoCam NB
i have the installations CDs and drivers (but for LoseDoze) and i will appreciate if any of you had success when installing these types of cameras.
the chipset used by the genius webcam is ov511 (omnivision):
"Genius VideoCam Express V2
Bridge spca561a
Driver spca5xx (Works with spca50x driver)"
this is the hardware info i found...
however, some links on "webcam for linux" are way too technical and i had a hard time just following the "explanation" exposed there.
yesterday, i sent a message to the webcam manufacturer with a similar topic (webcam support for linux), this is their reply, which i received in my inbox today:
"I'm sorry but our web cams only work in windows for now"
"Unfortunately, the web cams only work in Windows at the moment"
geez!! such way to support open source!

isn't there a guide for installing a webcam specifically made for dummies/newbies?
Q2: does anyone have a genius webcam fully working on their suse linux?
please let me know!!!
thanks in advance everyone for your comments