Hi there guys,
I have Open SuSE 10 with KDE 3.5.1 installed on my laptop. While generally fiddling around with the control centre I found I could change my splash screen to something else
(downloaded from kde-look.org, where else?) However the login screen continues to defiantly stare at me before the new splash screen takes over. Can somebody out there show me as to hw can I change this login screen (where i select the user and enter the password) so that it blends in with the splash screen (where the progress of KDE loading is displayed). Also I was wondering if there was a way in which I can write (make ) my own Login screens and splash screens. I am a newbie so I'll be grateful if step by step instructions are rendered. (In return I can give step by step instructions on how to make an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Armed with Multiple entry Thermo-nuclear warheads; hell even Osama bin laden came to me but since he wasn't a Linux user I didnt help him...)
Thx in advance