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Old 08-27-2005, 11:02 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2005
Posts: 10

Rep: Reputation: 0
grub error 21 stage1.5


I'm of course really new to Linux. I have a Win XP system that installed a second HD as a slave. I started the install of Suse 9.3 from DVD and everything went fine. I’m fairly sure that I set it correctly when I told it to install using the new HD not the Windows drive. I can’t remember if I told it anything different about where to load the boot system, but I don’t think I changed anything from the setup. I did tell it that I wanted the default boot to start Win XP. The install went just fine, then it rebooted, and all I got was the grub error 21 stage1.5. I tried to run the repair function, but that did nothing.

I then removed the second drive and tried to just return to Win XP and I still get the same error. I understand grub changes my MBR but I don’t know how to just get my old MBR back to working. I don’t want to mess with Linux until I guess I learn a bit more, but for now, I need to get Win XP back up asap. I ran a utility that gives me a Win XP operating system from my CD, and it shows my C drive intact with all the files, and my D partition that holds my restore data. I have the Suse 9.3 disks in both DVD and 5CD versions. Is there something I can do from them that can remove the grub system from the MBR?

Thanks for the help.
Old 08-27-2005, 11:36 AM   #2
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To restore the Windows MBR should be very simple. Have a look here:

Hope it helps!
Old 08-27-2005, 11:45 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2005
Posts: 10

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Never mind!

FIXMBR did the trick. I was afraid to try it because the way my luck was going it would make things worse.

On a different note. Does anyone have any ideas what could have gone wrong? I really would like to get Linux on the second HD running. I want it to boot default to XP but be able to try Suse. The main drive is 160gb with two partitions. C is for Windows files and D is for XP's system restore files. My second HD is a 40gb and I can use the whole thing just for Linux. I would really like to be able to work with Linux and get used to it, but not at or XP system's expense.



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