Gnome apps fonts and cursor problems
Hi everyone. I'm having problems in SuSE 9.3. If I leave the default gnome fonts, which look WAY too ugly and HUGE at my 1864x768 resolution everything runs fine. Whenever I switch them to what I want them to be, though all the gnome apps have fine font sizes my mouse cursor becomes huge whenever I move it on top of some app. Besides, I cannot get gnome to save my font configuration, everytime I want to change the fonts I have to reopen the control panel. I'm not a gnome user, I like KDE and I am using KDE, it's just that those gnome depending apps such as firefox or EasyTAG display suck big fonts that it's really a pain to look at on my monitor.. any help or suggestions on how to make gnome save that config, and most of all on how to stop my mouse cursor from becoming huge whenever moved onto a gnome app??