Error 28: Selected item cannot fit into memory
I tried installing Solaris 10 x86 (Nov 2006 CDs) on a Dell Dimension 4400 and got the following error
.... Booting 'Solaris'
kernel /boot/multiboot kernel/unix -B install_media=cdrom
[Multiboot-elf, <0x1000000:0x13ab3:0x1290d>, shtab=0x1027258, entry=0x1000000]
module /boot/x86.miniroot
Error 28: Selected item cannot fit into memory
Press any key to continue...
If I use a sol x86 CD version prior to when GRUB was implemented (on the 06/06 update ), eg the original x86 release CDs, then the sol10 install process works fine. So there seems to be something wrong with GRUB or the size of module /boot/x86.miniroot
Here is the output from GRUB
GRUB v0.95 (639k lower / 1047296K upper memory)
The PC has 1GB of RAM so meets the 256MB minimum in the installation documentation.
The files on the (Nov 2006) first CD in the BOOT directory are
GRUB (directory)
MULTIBOOT 130 KB 15/11/2006
X86.MINIROOT 55,680 KB 15/11/2006
Does anyone have a workaround to get the miniroot to load?