CVS 1.12.12 on Solaris 9 produces locks/cvslock/cvslock/cvslock....../cvslock
Hello all,
For the CVS gurus in the ether.......
I've installed cvs 1.12.12 onto my Solaris 9 server and have 50+ repositories on there. All seem to work well and I have few complaints for the users but I have came across one problem.
I have the repositories in an area /data/repositories/repository1
I have the Lock files elsewhere (to provide read only access for some uses), /data/locks/repository1/CVSLOCK
When I examine the contents of CVSLOCK I end up with copies of CVSLOCK in there, and more copies within that etc etc.
Until my current path looks like this;
This goes on an on until I delete the contents of the CVSLOCK.
Any ideas on what causes this problem or how I go about fixing it?
any comments welcome.
Last edited by jmcmillan; 10-25-2005 at 05:04 AM.