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Old 03-19-2021, 12:01 PM   #1
Registered: Feb 2021
Posts: 37

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Newbie question regarding Changelogs and Slackware version matching, tracking, transitioning


Can someone point me in the right direction? I'm new to Slackware :-) and am missing some basics.
I downloaded ...

"slackware64-current-install-dvd.iso" ( which when mounted shows a README.TXT file stating it is version 14.2 - so it is a recent "current" but with 14.2 - downloaded mid February 2021)

... so I want to identify which changelog relates to this current 14.2 dvd-iso file I downloaded around a month ago as well as understand what the possibilities are a little better.

Can the different branches of Slackware - current, pre-release, and stable - morph into another version (say version 14.2 "current" to 15 "current") or change from "current" to "stable" within a version (like going from 15 "current" to 15 "stable")?

When looking at the "Current (pre-release) ChangeLog for x86_64" changelog at

it seems that "14.2 current" switched from version 14.2 to the 15 track(i.e pre-release) at some point. Is there a line in the "Current (pre-release) ChangeLog for x86_64" changelog showing when the switchover of current from 14.2 to 15 happened?

Looking for confirmation/answers after installing the 14.2 version of "slackware64-current-install-dvd.iso" as a virtual machine.

-Is the reason why I can no longer find my version of the 14.2 "current" iso file I downloaded a month ago because the iso file was "current" then but has now been superseded by other newer "current" iso's as updates occurred in the changelog? In other words, is only one version of a "current" iso available at any one time so that it can stay in step with the latest entries in the "current" changelog?

-Does the /etc/slackware-version file on my vm say Slackware 14.2+ (current) only because 14.2 was current at the time I downloaded it? Will it keep the 14.2+ (current) status indefinitely even after many future updates?

-Can the 14.2+ (current) status listed in the file /etc/slackware-version on my vm change to 15 if updates are done since it is still technically a current branch?

-There is only one "current" at any one point in time, correct?

-If I keep updating my "current" Slackware 14.2 vm will I eventually be able to make it a Stable version of 15 or is it locked into being a "current" of 15 or 14.2 from now on?

-Is using "" for slackpkg the recommended line to use in the mirrors file?
EDIT: I just noticed the mirrors file has this line:


so it appears that my vm will stay at 14.2 or am I wrong about that? Can slackpkg or another tool upgrade the vm to 15 at some point?

-Why do I have "slackpkg-2.82.1-noarch-3.txz" after doing the steps listed below?


Below is what I did as far as I can rememeber. I installed the iso and came back to it maybe a week later.


#################################################################################################### #######################################
#### Some of the steps I did to get where I am --- i.e. I've got this version of slackpkg - slackpkg-2.82.1-noarch-3.txz. ####
#################################################################################################### #######################################

when I check the slackware-version file in /etc I see
I am running 14.2+ (current)

$cat /etc/slackware-version
$Slackware 14.2+

with kernel 5.10.17 #1 SMP Wed Feb 17 12:55:35

I got here by uncommenting the line:

in the mirrors file and then doing:

slackpkg update
slackpkg install-new
slackpkg upgrade-all

I shut the vm down and came back to it later and got the same message as the original poster.

When I do slackpkg info slackpkg I get the slackpkg-2.82.1 version below.

PACKAGE NAME: slackpkg-2.82.1-noarch-3.txz
PACKAGE LOCATION: ./slackware64/ap
PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 172 K
PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 390 K
slackpkg: slackpkg
slackpkg: Slackpkg is a package manager for Slackware. It can download,
slackpkg: upgrade, install and remove selected packages. With it, you
slackpkg: can search in the Slackware Package database and find which
slackpkg: package has the selected file.
slackpkg: Slackpkg DOESN'T replace pkgtool. Actually, Slackpkg uses pkgtool
slackpkg: for all install|upgrade|remove functions.
Old 03-21-2021, 05:03 PM   #2
LQ 5k Club
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Location: Somewhere inside 9.9 million sq. km. Canada
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Lets see if we can get someything straight. 14.2 was released as a stable release 5 years ago. After release, Pat continues to update, entering all changes made in the Change Log.

14.2 gets security fixes, and remains 14.2. Full stop. There is not such thing as
"current" Slackware 14.2
The updates applied after the release of 14.2 are refered to current. This is not a stable release. It is there for those of us that want to test the changes made, and help to move toward the next release. This is current, not 14.2.

The README.txt file has not been updated yet, so it shows information pertaining to 14.2. It will get updated when the next release comes out. We are not there yet.

If you have current installed, do not use any mirror for 14.2, you will break your system. If you look at the /etc/slackpkg.mirrors file; there are two sections, the fisrt is for 14.2 and has many mirrors. The second section is for current, and all entries end with current, not 14.2.

You should only have one line in the mirrors file uncommanted, ie have the '#' removed from the beginning of the line. Make sure it is a mirror for current. If in dought, post the exact line here and we can make sure you have a good mirror for current.

Long posts like this are difficult to answer all your questions. I see some confusion on your part. We all have to learn, so don't take that as a critisism.

I hope I have helped you some.

Last edited by camorri; 03-21-2021 at 05:04 PM.
Old 03-21-2021, 06:18 PM   #3
Registered: Oct 2015
Location: northern territory
Distribution: slackware 15
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Originally Posted by firefli View Post
-There is only one "current" at any one point in time, correct?
There is only one current. It does not have the numbers 14.2

will I eventually be able to make it a Stable version of 15 or is it locked into being a "current" of 15 or 14.2 from now on?
Without having looked I am sure there is guide to upgrading to 14.2 in the wiki.

And I expect there will be a guide to upgrading 14.2 to 15 when 15 is released.

-Is using "" for slackpkg the recommended line to use in the mirrors file?
EDIT: I just noticed the mirrors file has this line:

You probably can use that mirror, but I don't. I prefer using a mirror closer to home.

Looking further down the /etc/slackpkg/mirrors file you will find a list of mirrors, grouped by country. Choose one closer to your computer.

When you find a mirror close to your computer remove the # at the beginning on the line.

In that file ensure that only one line has the # missing, or you'll seriously confuse your computer.

Can slackpkg or another tool upgrade the vm to 15 at some point?
Lets worry about that after 15 is realeased.

Edit to add. I firmly believe that each question/ problem should have it's own thread.

Last edited by quickbreakfast; 03-21-2021 at 06:23 PM.
Old 03-21-2021, 06:43 PM   #4
Registered: Feb 2021
Posts: 37

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Thanks Camorri

Yes I was a bit premature when asking those questions - feel a bit silly now haha - I should have read the docs at first. I had also downloaded an alpha version of 15 from a link at so I was having a hard time figuring out why "current" existed and had a 14.2 asignment while slackware 15 alpha and Slackware stable also existed. There were 3 Slackware versions available to me but only 2 changelogs.txt files to refer to. When I realised that the Slackware 15 Alpha download from distrowatch wasn't part of the mix and was a one off having only 2 changelogs made sense.

The way I see it now is that "current" is edging closer to 15 but isn't 15 yet (as was explained to me previously) - although it seems pretty close (I have 15 listed at the top of my slackpkg.conf file which looks like a hint at something:
# /etc/slackpkg/slackpkg.conf
# Configuration for SlackPkg
# v15.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<---------------------looks like a 15 to me

So I am good with tracking packages in the changelogs.txt files for current and stable. I've installed/upgraded generic kernels and am looking to install packages from Slackbuilds and keep the created *.tgz packages to see if they can help quicken reinstalling the apps if needed in the future. Only I think those packages will have to be installed on the same hardware (and the same glibc version).

So I have one vm running as "current" and one as "stable" and am a happy camper as they say.

Thanks again!
Old 03-21-2021, 06:48 PM   #5
Registered: Feb 2021
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I did notice while updating the packages that the mirrors I was using did not give me the latest packages listed in the changelogs.txt files for current and stable... while changing the mirror to some other mirror did.

But ya - reading the docs

Old 03-21-2021, 07:19 PM   #6
LQ 5k Club
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Location: Somewhere inside 9.9 million sq. km. Canada
Distribution: Slackware 15.0, current, slackware-arm-currnet
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looking to install packages from Slackbuilds
Another word of warning. Building packages from "" are for 14.2 and older versions of Slackware. Do not try and build packages from slackbuilds for current.

There is a detailed sticky thread on LQ telling you how to build packages for current. If you look in the Slackware forum on LQ, you will find that thread. If you need guidance, post a question ( one per thread ) and we can help.

Here is the link to the thread describing how to build slackpackages for current.

You do not have to read the whole thing, most of what you need to get started is on the first page.

Last edited by camorri; 03-21-2021 at 07:23 PM.
Old 03-21-2021, 09:09 PM   #7
Registered: Feb 2021
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Nice thread - Thanks!


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