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yoron 02-22-2006 04:12 AM

Intra_net consisting of W2000/linux workstations help
Hi, i have some questions ;)
I'm going to try to make a intranet consisting of 32 workstations
connected to a linuxserver (Slackware?), which,
in its own turn is conected via an ADSL (10 MB) to the internet.
The workstations will be a blend of W_2000 and linux (older workstations).

1.Can anybody reccomend a linux distro (GUI) for the older workstations.
The people using it wont be geeks ;) so it should be simple with a nice GUI.

2.How do i 'ghost' them (the workstations linux/w_2000) from my Server.

The other workstations will consist of Windows 2000 as i said.
I suppose that Samba is the right choice there.

3. But where should i look for a really comprehensive mannual for Samba.

Then i also would like to create an enviorment where the people/workstations would have to log in (user_name etc)to the server before being able to connect to the internet.

Remember that hopefully (that is) it should work for both the linux and w_2000 workstations.

4. How would/should i do that with w_2000 / Linux?

Fom the Modem (internet) there will first be a router with an inbuilt firewall, but, i'm suspecting that i should make an firewall on the server to?

In that case.

5. Would it then be sufficient with two net_cards? With one configured as firewall, and OnceAgain, where should i look fo areally good manual.

The Server will either be an 1 Ghz with 384 Ram, and a 14 Gig HD.

Or a newer 2,4 Ghz. I would prefere the later, ofcourse.

6. Still, will this work (Server/32 workstations) on the first 1_Ghz_machine???

As you probably already guessed this is a lowbudget solution/project.
I would like to make it as simple as possible so if any of
you have any experience from some Hopefully Allready Working Intranet
Please tell me what i should think of.

There wont be any internetserver.
Only a Server for the intranet with people having to log on from the workstations, before they can move out on the Information_HiWay ;).

7. Probably i will ask for a lot more info in the future, and i'm shure i'm missing out on some questions, but, it's a beginning.

Don't hesitate to tell me what i', missing for it to work, and please, keep it as informative as posible...

Thanks Yoron.

Alien_Hominid 02-27-2006 01:55 PM

1. You can try gnome. If it won't be suitable, then xfce or enlightenment.
2. For file sharing. Another possibility nfs, but samba i think will suit you better.
For accessing machines you can install openssh (linux) and freesshd (windows). This lets you access workstations remotely and even do some tunelling from the main workstation so that your workstations could be accessed from the net.
3. There a lots of links.
4. On linux you can also use ip tables and tcp wrappers.
5-7. There are some tutorials in this site. Maybe they will help you.

yoron 02-28-2006 02:53 AM

Thanks Alien_Hominid ;)

yoron 03-09-2006 05:22 AM

Ok guys, here is a Q.
I've configured Samba to connect to my W2000_machines and it's working.
But what i would like to have is a way for the W2000/linux clients to automaticly log in to the samba account when i start my client_machine.

As it is now i first have to create the accounts in linux and samba,and after that i also have to to create the same user in the client_cmptas. Is this the way to do it???

1. What i would like;) is a way for the user to log in directly to Samba from the workstation, by just writing his Linux/Samba password at the W2000_loginGUI.

That is, without me having to make 'users' locally/manually on every workstation in my way, kind of..

So that's my question..

heltreko 03-09-2006 07:44 AM

Hi Yoron

If I understand it correctly you want the linux server to be a domain controller keeping all files etc for the windows users?

If thats the case take a look here:

The following is cut'n paste from that site:

workgroup = MIDEARTH
netbios name = FRODO
passdb backend = tdbsam
printcap name = cups
add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -m %u
delete user script = /usr/sbin/userdel -r %u
add group script = /usr/sbin/groupadd %g
delete group script = /usr/sbin/groupdel %g
add user to group script = /usr/sbin/groupmod -A %u %g
delete user from group script = /usr/sbin/groupmod -R %u %g
add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -s /bin/false -d /var/lib/nobody %u
# Note: The following specifies the default logon script.
# Per user logon scripts can be specified in the user account using pdbedit
logon script = scripts\logon.bat
# This sets the default profile path. Set per user paths with pdbedit
logon path = \\%L\Profiles\%U
logon drive = H:
logon home = \\%L\%U
domain logons = Yes
os level = 35
preferred master = Yes
domain master = Yes
idmap uid = 15000-20000
idmap gid = 15000-20000
printing = cups

You also have to config the windows machines to be part of a domain (obviously...:-)).

yoron 03-13-2006 05:48 AM

Ok, first of all netizens of the over and under ground ;)
I'm only on the net intermitently so pease dont feel slighted if you dont see any response for a while.
Secondly, Thanks heltreko, but i'm still feeling kind of lost in the woods..
(There are so many trees, and branches, so i just can't see the wood)

For example i've made a machine acoount using pdbedit and smbpasswd
If my understanding is right, that should be sufficient for me to log on a W_2000 client, change to the domain and and pass my machine account/password when i get the response from the Linux PDC.

(But my client says that it can't connect when i try that.
And i loged in with Admin rights locally, without any shares connected. And yes both smbd / nmbd are running.) SOLVED.....

But now when i try to log in from w_2000 with the machine account i made with pdbedit and smbpasswd, it doesn't recognice/accept it?

1....Do i need to make a 'netmap' to a group with my
machine_account, and if so

2...And then there is Win server, do i need that ?
Is that only when you have two nets and want to connect/route them?
And how would the syntax be/look for giving it a IP number on
my Linux_server, should it f.e be in the smb.cfg to with ip_nmbr ???

If i sound cofused, well, it's my normal state of mind, right ;)
So if you have some advice, don't hesitate..

Even if you don't get a response for a while.

heltreko 03-14-2006 12:32 AM

Hi Yoron


For example i've made a machine acoount using pdbedit and smbpasswd
If my understanding is right, that should be sufficient for me to log on a W_2000 client, change to the domain and and pass my machine account/password when i get the response from the Linux PDC.
I don't think this is enough. Have you enabled domain logons in the config file (domain logons = Yes)?

Could you mabye post your current /etc/smb.conf? Mabye someone around here could spot the obvious if we have something to look at.

Another other question: Have you tried enabling some shares from the Linux server and seen if you cand find them in the "Network Places" of the windows boxes?

BTW. I'm not a SAMBA Guru. I've just played with it and read the manual so just take my suggestions for what it is and not as the absolute truth...

yoron 03-14-2006 03:49 AM

update2 of the Question.

I'm changing this 'section' of the thread just to keep it small. .
I'll try to make a documentation that will make sense 2all after i made it work for me . Hopefully, that is ;)

samba as a PDC with w_2000_clients.

I've created a machine account in slackware 10.2 for the user root using samba 3.0.20.
The story goes like this.

I try to log in to my domain fom the W_200_client
And i do get a 'password_Q' from the PDC,
whereupon i give it my machine account/root password.
Then my PDC starts to check and my W_2000_client hangs for some time, finaly it ends with an RPC compaint
(Remote Procedure Call complaint).

It was just a missing 'userscript'for 'machines' in the smb.conf...
'add user script = ...machine...´

The funny thing is that i could'nt find any referrals to that in the mannuals/books that followed the Samba installation ???

Anybody know why, did i just miss it or was it something that you only was supossed to be needing for earlier versions of samba ???

The machine park will be 32 W_2000_clients with static IP,
the same goes for the PDC. There are no subnets.

I wont need any printer configurating from the PDC
as the W_2000_clents all connect locally
via a static ip_nmbr that belongs to the printer.

Ahh btw, the idea is like this, after i've made the connection via my machineaccount, then users will be able to log in directly 'on the fly' from any client/workstation that i've installed via the machine account, and, if i got it right, dynamiccly create users 'home' etc.

At least that's the idea ;)

I really would like to avoid the [printers] section totally, but i don't seem to have any choice there. As far as i've understood it?
---don't need to have it ---

So ok, now i got it working as it should with W_2000
But then i want it to work with 'poledit?' so i can manage policyfiles for Windows from the server.

And i think that the slower machines should connect thru
Slackware instead of W_2000.

But i still don't really understand how i should configure
Slackware_Linux Workstations to work as seamlessly as my
W-2000 against the PDC ( that is, thru Samba )
'on the fly accounts' etc.
So anyone with experience of this ?
Feel free to suggest.

So any and all suggestions are of value...
Thanks Yoron.

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